File an Apartment House Statement
All property owned by an apartment house owner is subject to local property tax, unless it is specifically exempt by law. You are required to file an Apartment House Property Statement each year if you own over $100,000 in property or are requested to file by the Assessor's Office.
Examples of taxable apartment business property include, but are not limited to:
- Supplies
- Furnishings
- Appliances, laundry equipment
- Signs
Who is eligible?
Apartment property owners may use this service.
When and where is this service offered?
This service is available January 1st to June 30th during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.
Location, directions and hours of operation
Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information
Monday - Friday 8-5
1055 Monterey Street Suite D360
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
Tel: (805) 781-5643
Main Office Fax: (805)-781-5641
Real and Business Property Fax: (805)-788-2042
Public Service/Front Counter Fax: (805)-788-2041
Mapping and Transfers Fax: (805)-781-4034