Message from the District Attorney
Message from the District Attorney

DA Dow Response to Recent Media Inquiries

Author: District Attorney
Date: 10/19/2020 3:25 PM

District Attorney Dan Dow provides a statement in response to media inquiries regarding a recent mayoral candidate letter.

It has come to my attention that a local incumbent mayoral candidate pulled a political campaign stunt over the weekend by using my name and office to make preposterous false allegations.  The mayoral candidate’s fundraising email was untruthful as it intentionally misstated facts and fabricated allegations for political purposes.  I am proud of the tireless work of my office to protect the people of our county through aggressive and fair prosecution of crime and protecting the rights of crime victims.


It is the duty of the District Attorney’s Office to thoroughly review every investigation to determine if the evidence proves that a crime was committed.  We perform that duty every day without regard to individual characteristics such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin or political viewpoint.  The mayoral candidate’s dangerous and divisive rhetoric seeks to stir more unrest rather than promote peace and healing in our community.  I will never compromise the integrity of this office by using race or public opinion to decide whether or not to file a criminal charge.  My decisions will always be based on the evidence and the law.

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