Computer Modeling
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On August 28, 2012 the Board of Supervisors awarded a contract to Geoscience, Inc. to update the computer model for the Basin. The scope of work for the project included:
- Updating the model to extend the period covered from 1981-1997 to 1981-2011
- Refining the perennial (safe) yield for the Basin
- Assessing the model input parameters that have the greatest effects on the model's simulation results to determine the certainty of model predictions
- Evaluating the Basin's response to "growth" and "no-growth" scenarios projected over the period 2011 to 2041 (i.e. simulating how water levels would change)
On January 13, 2015, the final report was presented to the Board of Supervisors, and an amendment to the contract to perform additional refinements to the model and conduct additional model runs was approved. Please see Presentations and Documents below for more information on this project.
Presentations and Documents
Note: Input/output files for the Paso Robles Basin Area Watershed Model (HSPF model code) and the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Flow Model (MODFLOW model code) are available upon request. Due to large file size, requester may be asked to provide a storage device (USB or other) for staff to transmit data. Raw and processed data files are undergoing redaction.
December 8, 2016 - Refinement of the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Model and Results of the Supplemental Water Supply Options Predictive Analysis
January 13, 2015 - Final Model Update Report
- Executive-Summary
- Report-Text
- Report-Tables
- Report-Figures-pt-1
- Report-Figures-pt-2
- Report-Figures-pt-3
- Report-Figures-pt-4
- Report-Response
- January 13, 2015 BoS Presentation
- Refinement-and-Runs-Scope
August 28, 2012 - Model Update Scope of Work