New Innovation Proposal: Medi-Cal Maximization & Training Initiative (MMTI)

Author: Landon J. King
Date: 1/27/2025 2:51 PM

The MMTI proposal is a new limited-term project sponsored by MHSA that will introduce a subject matter expertise on sustainable funding to the Behavioral Health Department and community partners.

In 2024 the state of California voted to approve Proposition 1, a proposal that reforms the Mental Health Services Act and impacts the entire Behavioral Health landscape.  Due to the reallocation of funding from services directed at prevention and education to housing services, the San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Department (SLOBHD) and community mental health care providers have identified an immediate need to develop systems that can maximize sustainable funding through insurance billing, primarily Medi-Cal.  The MMTI project aims to create access to consulting services that will assist in establishing best practices and protocols to enhance productivity in the SLOBHD and support local providers that may not have the knowledge and/or lack the infrastructure to benefit from billable services.  

The project begins a 30-day public review on January 29th,2025 through February 28th, 2025.  The Innovation proposal can be found here: INN-Workplan_Public-Review_Final-Draft

Please submit feedback and public comment here: Public Comment on Innovation Proposal: Medi-Cal Maximization Training Initiative (MMTI)