CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule

The CMS rule was implemented on November 16, 2017. The rule requires CMS licensed/certified providers to plan for disasters and coordinate with federal, state, tribal, regional, and local emergency preparedness systems to ensure that facilities are adequately prepared to meet the needs of their patients during disasters and emergency situations.

The rule requires affected groups to implement four component standards, defined by CMS as:

  • Emergency plan: Develop an emergency plan using an all-hazards approach and based on a risk assessment
  • Policies and Procedures: Develop and implement needed policies and procedures based on the emergency plan and risk assessment
  • Communication plan: Develop and maintain a communication plan that includes provisions for coordinating patient care the facility, across healthcare providers, and with State and local public health departments and emergency systems.
  • Training and Testing Program: Develop and maintain training and testing programs, including initial and annual trainings, and conduct drills and exercises or participate in an actual incident that tests the plan.

By joining the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Disaster Healthcare Coalition, your healthcare providers can connect to resources and collaborate with other agencies to share information and build partnerships. The Disaster Healthcare Coalition offers opportunities to achieve greater organizational and community effectiveness and financial sustainability through a more inclusive preparedness community. The Disaster Healthcare Coalition can assist your healthcare facility in the following:

  • Community Collaboration and Coordination
  • Communication and Information Sharing
  • Contingency Planning
  • Training/Exercises
  • Resource Sharing
  • Partnership and Relationship Building

Please take a moment to explore the links and resources below for further information. We recommend starting with the "CMS Top 10 Things to Know" document and attending our next Disaster Healthcare Coalition Meeting.

Links and Resources


You can join the Healthcare Coalition using any of the following methods: