Retiree Qualifying Events

Open Enrollment is the only time each year that retirees can make changes to their benefit elections without a qualifying life event (QE).

  • Qualifying Events must be completed within 31 days of the event date.
  • Any changes you make must be consistent with the change in status.

To make enrollment changes, please do the following:

  1. Contact the BCC Retiree Enrollment Line at (833) 574-1838 within 31 days of your qualifying event. 
  2. Submit required qualifying event documentation to County of San Luis Obispo Human Resources either via email or mail:
    • Email:
      • Include your name, type of qualifying event, and contact information
    • Mail to County HR

County of San Luis Obispo

1055 Monterey Street, Suite D-250

San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Failure to contact the Retiree Enrollment Line and submit required documentation within the 31 day window will result in you being unable to make any enrollment changes. You will have to wait until the next Open Enrollment to make changes. 

Read more below to learn about retiree qualifying events, permittable changes, and eligible dependents.

Retiree Qualifying Events Information

All eligibile retirees - those officially retiring from the County within 120 days of separation - are eligible to participate in County medical insurance. If you retire after 120 days of separation, you will not be eligible to enroll in County medical insurance upon retirement. 
  • Retirees who enroll in County medical insurance can only make changes during the annual open enrollment period or when you have a qualifying event.
  • All retirees can participate in dental and vision insurance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you terminate enrollment in the retiree medical insurance, you and your dependents will not have another opportunity to participate again in the future until you turn age 65. You will have a final opportunity to opt in to County medical when you turn age 65 and enroll in Medicare.

Survivor Spouse Benefits

A spouse or domestic partner survivor of a deceased retiree may be eligible for health coverage if they are both:
  • Enrolled OR eligible to enroll as a dependent at the time of death AND
  • Qualify for a monthly survivor retirement benefit
As a survivor, you may request health enrollment from the County within 60 days from the date of death. Contact San Luis Obispo County Pension Trust (SLOCPT) at (805)781-5465 to setup survivor spouse benefits. Subsequent spouses and children are ineligible for County retiree benefits. 
You can enroll the following family members in County medical, dental, and vision plans:
  • Spouse (the person who you are legally married to under state law, including a same-sex spouse)
  • Registered Domestic Partner (must be recognized by state law and confirmed by registration with the sate)
  • Children up to age 26 (including your domestic partner's children). Married children are eligible for benefits too.
  • Children over age 26 ONLY if they are incapacitated due to a disability and primarily dependent on your for support. You must request a Disabled Dependent Certification form from Blue Shield.
  • Dependents named in a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) as defined by federal law.

Dependent Verification 

Adding dependents is subject to eligibility verification in order to ensure only eligible individuals are participating in our plans. You will be required to provide legal documentation within 31 days of their eligibility. If you do not supply the proper documentation to add dependents within the 31-day period, you will not be able to add the dependent(s) until the next open enrollment period. 

Who is not eligible?

Family members who are not eligible for coverage include (but are not limited to):
  • Parents, grandparents, and siblings
  • Former spouses and stepchildren are ineligible dependents and will be removed from County insurance plans effective the date of the divorce decree. Medical claims and premiums incurred due to late notification to the County are the responsibility of the retiree.
Please review the County Medicare Transition webpage for more information:

Turning 65 years old and becoming eligible for Medicare is a special qualifying event only for the member turning age 65. This qualifying event is only to enroll in a County Medicare plan (or waive County medical) and does not allow you to make any changes to dental/vision enrollments. 
  • If you (the retiree) waived County medical upon retirement, your Medicare Transition is the last opportunity for you to rejoin County medical insurance. 
  • If you (the retiree) waived County medical upon retirement and your spouse turns 65 first, your spouse is not eligible to be enrolled in County medical by themselves. 
If you are newly eligible for Medicare, please review the Medicare Transition webpage at
Purchasing a plan (Medicare supplemental, dental, vision, etc.) from an insurance broker or out in the marketplace is not considered other group coverage and cannot be used to waive County benefits in this qualifying life event. Other group coverage is considered employer-sponsored coverage. See the FAQs section for examples of how you may obtain other group coverage.  
New Eligibility for Other Group Coverage Qualifying Event
Qualifying Event Date Coverage Effective Date Required Documentation
Date County Coverage should Terminate First of the month following event date

  • County coverage termaintes 08/31
  • New coverage starts 09/01
  • Proof of Other Group Coverage containing:
    • Carrier Name
    • Group/Employer Name
    • Member name and all covered dependents
    • Plan Name
    • Plan Effective Date
  • Copy of your new insurance card
  • Proof needed individually for medical, dental, and vision if making changes to all lines of coverage
IMPORTANT: If you are currently enrolled in County medical insurance, under age 65, and drop County medical insurance with this qualifying event, you will have one final opportunity to elect County medical coverage once you turn 65 with your Medicare Transition.
  • You will only be allowed to add medical with your Medicare Transition qualifying event and you cannot re-add medical during any subsequent Open Enrollment periods.
If you are over age 65 and drop your County medical plan, you will not be allowed to rejoin County medical again. 
Permitted Benefits Changes
Benefit Type Permitted Change
  • Drop self from County medical and waive
    • Dropping yourself from medical will drop any enrolled dependents
  • Drop dependent(s) from County medical
  • Drop self from dental and waive
    • Dropping yourself from dental will drop any enrolled dependents
  • Drop dependent(s) from dental
  • Drop self from vision and waive
    • Dropping yourself from vision will drop any enrolled dependents
  • Drop dependent(s) from vision
Choosing to cancel a marketplace plan, like cancelling a non-County Medicare supplemental is not considered losing other group coverage and would not make you eligible to enroll in County benefits. See the FAQs section for examples of how you may lose other group coverage.
Loss of Eligibility for Other Group Coverage Qualifying Event
Qualifying Event Date Coverage Effective Date Required Documentation
Date Other Group Coverage Ended First of the month following event date

  • Other Group Coverage termaintes 08/31
  • County Coverage starts 09/01
  • Termination notice from carrier or group stating:
    • Member Name and all covered dependents names
    • Group/Employer Name
    • Plan Name
    • Plan Effective Date
  • COBRA Paperwork
  • If adding a new dependent, dependent documentation required too
    • Birth certificate for children
    • Marriage certificate for spouse
Permitted Benefits Changes
Benefit Type Permitted Change
  • Add eligible dependents to existing medical plan enrollment
  • See Retiree and Survivor Spouse Benefits section for medical eligibility rules
  • Add self to County dental (if you lost your other group coverage)
  • Add eligible dependents to existing dental plan
    • Cannot enroll dependents in dental if you waive
  • Add self to County vision (if you lost your other group coverage)
  • Add eligible dependents to existing vision plan
    • Cannot enroll dependents in vision if you waive
If you get married or enter into a domestic partnership, this is considered a qualifying event for you to add your new spouse/partner (and any eligible stepchildren) to benefits. 
Marriage/Domestic Partnership Qualifying Event
Qualifying Event Date Coverage Effective Date Required Documentation
Date of Marriage or Domestic Partnership First of the month following event date
  • Marriage Certificage or Domestic Partnership Affidavit
  • Official Birth Certificate for stepchildren
It is your responsibility to provide San Luis Obispo County Pension Trust (SLOCPT) a copy of your marriage certificate/domestic partnership affidavit. Contact SLOCPT at (805) 781-5465 or email
Permitted Benefits Changes
Benefit Type Permitted Change
  • Add spouse/partner and/or stepchildren to existing medical plan.
  • Change medical plan and add spouse/partner and/or stepchildren
  • Add spouse/partner and/or stepchildren to existing dental plan.
  • Add spouse/partner and/or stepchildren to existing vision plan.
If you get divorced, this a mandatory qualifying event to remove spouse and stepchildren from all enrolled plans.
  • Former spouses and stepchildren are not eligible for the County's insurance plans.
  • For late notifications, retirees are personally responsible for claims incurred by ineligible dependents and premium costs incurred after coverage effective date.
Divorce Qualifying Event
Qualifying Event Date Coverage Effective Date Required Documentation
Date of Divorce Benefits for spouse and stepchildren will terminate at the end of the divorce month
  • Divorce Decree or Legal Separation
  • Termination of Domestic Partnership
  • Proof of Coverage Terminating for Dependents
It is your responsibility to provide San Luis Obispo County Pension Trust (SLOCPT) a copy of your divorce paperwork. Contact SLOCPT at (805) 781-5465 or email
Permitted Benefits Changes
Benefit Type Permitted Change
  • Must drop ex-spouse and stepchildren
  • You may change your existing medical plan
  • Must drop ex-souse and stepchildren
  • Must drop ex-spouse and stepchildren
If you have a newborn child, newly adopt a child, or obtain new legal guardianship, this is considered a qualifying event for you to add your new dependent child to County benefits. 
Birth Qualifying Event
Qualifying Event Date Coverage Effective Date Required Documentation
Date of Birth, Adoption, or Legal Guardianship
  • Date of Birth or Adoption (medical only)
  • First of the month following event date (dental and vision)
  • Official Birth Certificate, Adoption Paperwork, or Court Documents
  • Social Security Number (SSN) card
Permitted Benefits Changes
Benefit Type Permitted Change
  • Add child only to existing medical plan
    • If you currently waive retiree medical, you cannot enroll in medical with this qualifying event.
  • Add child only to exisiting dental plan
    • If you currently waive retiree dental, you cannot enroll in dental with this qualifying event.
  • Add child only to existing vision plan
    • If you currently waive retiree vision, you cannot enroll in vision with this qualifying event.

For each Qualifying Event, there is required documentation. Please review the above panels to determine what documentation you need and how to upload it into BenXcel. If you need additional assistance obtaining the required documentation, you can use the resources below:

Birth Certificate for Newborns, Stepchildren, and Legal Guardianship

  • County office that issued original birth certificate
  • Hospital in which child was born
  • U.S. Department of State (for children born outside of the U.S)
  • Social Security Administration

Adoption Paperwork

  • State agency that issued final adoption papers
  • Adoption agency that issued placement papers
  • Social Security Administration

Marriage Certificate, Certificate of Domestic Partnership, Divorce Decree, and Termination of Domestic Partnership

Proof of Other Group Coverage/Proof of Loss of Other Group Coverage

  • Contact new/old employer for paperwork
  • Employer can provide a hire letter stating benefits coverage (with dependents listed) 
  • Employer can provide a letter stating benefits termination (with dependents listed)
  • Request a "Letter of Credible Coverage" or a "Confirmation of Benefits" letter

Frequently Asked Quetions

Retiree pension premium deductions are reviewed on a monthly basis. If you completed all steps necessary for an eligible qualifying event (calling the enrollment line and submitting required documentation), any premiums changes will be automatically reflected in your pension.

Due to timing, some qualifying events may not be processed in time for the following month's pension benefit, which is sent at the beginning of each month.
  • Any over deductions in premiums will be reimbursed as needed. You will receive a letter from County HR informing you of the reimbursement.
  • If your enrollment increases and it is not deducted, you will be required to pay the difference in premiums. You will receive a mailed communication from County HR with instructions on sending payment.
You may only drop/waive current County benefits enrollments if you newly obtain other group coverage. Below are a few examples of how you could obtain other group coverage:
  • You get a new job and are offered employer group coverage (medical/dental/vision).
  • Your spouse is hired at a new job and is offered group coverage. Your spouse chooses to cover themself/your dependents/and you on their new benefits.
  • Your dependent child receives new coverage through college or a job.
You cannot drop your medical, dental, or vision plan mid-year without a qualifying life event.
You cannot drop your medical, dental, or vision plan mid-year without a qualifying life event. Below are some examples of how you may lose other coverage:
  • You had coverage (medical/dental/vision) through an employer, but lose coverage due to retirement or loss of employment.
    • Review the Retiree and Survivor Spouse section for additional eligibility rules for medical. You may not be eligible to enroll in County medical, even if you lose other coverage.
  • Your spouse had coverage through an employer, but loses coverage due to retirement or loss of employment.
    • If you waived County medical previously or you are not eligible for County medical, you and your spouse cannot use this qualifying event to newly enroll in County medical insurance. You may add your spouse to your exisiting medical plan if you are enrolled.
    • Your spouse may enroll in County dental/vision.
  • Your spouse has covers themself and you on their employer sponsored coverage, but loses the coverage due to retirement or loss of employment.
    • You may enroll in County dental and vision for yourself and spouse.
    • You may not enroll in County medical. See Retiree and Survivor Spouse section for medical eligibility rules.
  • Your child is under age 26 and loses their college sponsored healthcare or loses employer sponsored coverage from their job