Tuition Reimbursement

Employees submit their Tuition reimbursement requests via NEOGOV eForm.

  • Need help with completing your eForm? Watch this instructional video for help via Microsoft Stream.

The County provides Tuition Reimbursement for work related and Department Head approved expenses. This benefit varies by Bargaining Unit and is subject to funds availability each fiscal year.

Who is eligible for this program?

  • County employees represented by Bargaining Units 01, 02, 05, 13, 31, and 32 are eligible for reimbursement. 

After reviewing the instructions and determining your course or training is eligible for reimbursement, please sign up, attend, and pay for the course or training. 

Please keep proof of payment and course completion as they will be required for reimbursement. Follow the directions below to submit a tuition reimbursement form:

  1. Proof of payment must be attached to your employee tuition reimbursement form, and is required to receive your reimbursement. (Proof of payment can be a: cancelled check, bank statement with copy of check, credit card bill, invoice showing payment, or receipt for cash payment)
  2. Proof of completion, attached to your employee tuition reimbursement form, is required to receive your reimbursement.
  3. After successful completing of the course or training, complete the Employee Tuition Reimbursement Form attached below.
  4. Include a copy of the course description or training agenda, proof of payment, and certification of course completion to the completed form and have your department head sign.
  5. Submit your completed documentation to HR, or route to your Payroll Coordinator if you are unsure how to proceed. 

 Please allow four (4) weeks for your claim to be processed.

Your reimbursement request and supporting documentation must be submitted to County Benefits via eForm within (4) weeks of course completion or before payroll fiscal year end, whichever is sooner.


Your Department Head and supervisor

The MOU for your bargaining unit has more information on this topic. You will need approval from your Department Head prior to taking the course. They will determine if the course is work-related, and let you know if it is an eligible expense.

Yes, the course, membership, or tuition expense must be related to your job to be eligible for reimbursement.

A student loan does not qualify as payment toward a course or class. Proof of payment in the form of a credit card or bank statement qualifies as accepted payment.

Human Resources Department by emailing