Post-Construction Stormwater Management

What is the process?

Review Operation & Maintenance Plan Instructions

Private stormwater systems may use one of two mechanisms for recording an Operation and Maintenance Plan.  Most owners record an Agreement for their stormwater system. Instructions for recording each type of Operation and Maintenance Plan are provided:

Complete Forms

Private stormwater system owners submit the following forms to the Department of Planning & Building for review prior to recording an operation and maintenance plan:

 Applicants should reference the descriptions of system components to determine what type of structural control measures must be recorded. 

County staff must review the forms before they are notarized.

Submit Draft Form For Review

Applicants will submit the draft operation and maintenance plan for staff review. Applicants should not sign or notarize documents prior to review. Approved plans will be returned to the system owner for signature and notarization.

Pay Fees

The fee for Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Review and Inspection (Fee SWRI) from the Planning & Building Fee Schedule is applied at the time of opening the CCM Case.

Return Notarized Documents

Applicants return the signed, notarized document for countersignature by County staff. Following counter signature, County staff will record the document with the Clerk Recorder.

Construct Stormwater Structural Control Measures

Construct all features per approved Stormwater Control Plan. Structures will be inspected by County inspector, and approved on completion.

Submit Forms (Annually)

The private stormwater system owner/operator annually submits the appropriate completed self-inspection forms along with a completed stormwater inspection coversheet to verify that the system is operable and maintained in good condition. The appropriate self-inspection forms (listed below) should be included as an element of the plans and manuals provided to the owner/operator.

Who is eligible?

Owners of regulated projects within the County's Stormwater Management Area can use this service. Please review the Central Coast Post-Construction Requirements to determine whether or not a project is regulated and which performance requirements apply.

Is there a charge for this service?

The Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Review and Inspection Fee (SWRI) is a one-time fee applied when the CCM Case is established. The Stormwater Annual Inspection and Reporting Fee (SWI) may be applied annually. Please refer to the current Department of Planning & Building Fee Schedule.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

976 Osos Street Room 200
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Tel: (805) 781-5600

Fax: (805) 781-1242

Permits/Inspections: (805) 788-6602


Please read the Stormwater CCM Case Permit After Issuance Guidance for more information.

Please read the County of SLO Stormwater O&M Agreement Types Summary for more information.

Please read the CCM Case FAQ for more information.

All structural controls installed to meet Performance Requirements 2, 3, or 4 must be included in the operation and maintenance plan. The County recognizes stormwater structural control measures outlined in SWP-2003.

You may contact Planning & Building Stormwater Program Manager with additional questions at or (805) 781-5602.

The operation and maintenance plan may be created by the private stormwater system owner, their agent, or the system designer. However, the owner must sign and notarize an agreement following review and approval by the County.

The Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted Resolution R3-2013-0032, the Central Coast Post Construction Requirements, which requires long term operation and maintenance plans for stormwater control systems on private property. The resolution specifies that the responsibility for maintaining the system must be legally enforceable and must remain with the property in perpetuity.

The County supports private stormwater system owners by providing a service to document and record the appropriate information to comply with this requirement.