Diablo Canyon Power Plant Decommissioning

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Decommissioning: Notice of Availability – Draft Environmental Impact Report

In 2021, PG&E filed a Land Use Permit application (DRC2021-00092) for the planned decommissioning of its Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), a two-unit nuclear power plant on the Central Coast near Avila Beach.

While the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed DCPP decommissioning project was being prepared, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 846 (Dodd, 2022) into law, providing PG&E a path to continue operating the DCPP through 2030. Given that the path to extended operations is not guaranteed, PG&E requested that the County continue preparation of the EIR and permitting of its proposed decommissioning project.

On July 28, 2023, the Draft EIR for the DCPP Decommissioning Project was released for 60-day public review. The Notice of Availability can be accessed here.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report can be accessed here

The comment period on the Draft EIR closed on September 25, 2023. The comments received can be accessed here.

The County and its consultant, Aspen Environmental Group, are in the process of responding to the comments received and making any necessary edits to the Draft EIR. The Final EIR comprising responses to the Draft EIR comments and edits to the Draft EIR will be issued in late 2025.


Decommissioning Project EIR Schedule

Project Contacts

For questions or comments please contact: [email protected]

Susan Strachan | Power Plant Decommissioning Manager

Cindy Chambers | Senior Planner