Growth Management Ordinance Administration

What is the process?

Determine Requirements

Typically, allocation requests are processed concurrently with a construction permit. However, some areas of the County have additional requirements and two areas - Cambria and Los Osos - have waiting lists. An allocation request can be processed without a construction permit to secure a place on a waiting list. PLEASE NOTE: allocation requests are not currently being accepted for placement on the Cambria allocation waiting list.

Allocation Requirements by Area
Area Waiting List Requirements
Cambria YES

The maximum annual allocation rate in Cambria is set at 0% through June 30, 2018. This means that no new allocation requests can be approved other than those accompanied by an intent-to-serve letter from the Cambria Community Services District for replacements, transfers, and grandfathered water meters.

Click here to see the Cambria waitlist

Cayucos NO Allocation requests must be submitted concurrently with a construction permit application. The Cayucos Water District will authorize a limited number of new units each year, based on an annual review of the community's remaining water supply (Paso Robles Beach Water Association and Morro Rock Mutual Water Company areas).
Los Osos YES

Building restrictions are currently in effect for vacant lots within the Los Osos community. New allocation requests are placed on a waiting list with an assigned order based on the date and time of the application.

Click here to see the Los Osos waitlist

Nipomo Mesa NO The maximum annual allocation rate on the Nipomo mesa is set at 1.8%, which equates to 129 allocations for fiscal year 2017-2018. Normally, a single applicant can obtain no more than 10% of the annual allocations on the Nipomo mesa; however, a single applicant can obtain 20% of the annual allocations on the Nipomo mesa for multi-family/residential unit ownership projects that have received intent-to-serve letters from the applicable water district and meet any one of the following:
  1. the project is located in Nipomo Olde Towne Design Plan area and is smart growth, green build, mixed use, or senior housing;
  2. the project includes guaranteed long-term affordability for at least 35% of the units; or
  3. the project will result in the construction of sections of road improvements that substantially improve traffic issues including those improvements identified on the South County Circulation Study Road Improvement list.

Submit Request

The applicant submits a completed application package and pays all applicable fees.

Receive Allocation

The applicant receives their allocation, either concurrent with their construction permit or as an assigned place on a waiting list.

Who is eligible?

Anyone wishing to build a new residential dwelling unit may use this service.

Is there a charge for this service?

Please refer to the Department of Planning & Building Fee Schedule for application fees.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

976 Osos Street Room 200
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Tel: (805) 781-5600

Fax: (805) 781-1242

Permits/Inspections: (805) 788-6602


Yes, certain types of residential development are exempt from the process. Replacing a legally established dwelling, low and moderate-income housing as defined by Government Code Section 50093, projects located within subdivisions created by the recordation of a vested map, secondary units (granny units) and farm support quarters located outside of the Nipomo mesa are all exempt from the allocation process.

If no dwelling units are available in a particular area, an allocation request is submitted to be placed on a waiting list. If dwelling units are available, an allocation request is submitted with a construction permit.

Anyone wishing to construct most types of new dwelling units must apply for an allocation.