14.3 Staff

Chapter 14
Section 3
Subject 14.3 Staff
Effective Date 6/26/2024 12:00 AM
  1. Selection

  1. Juvenile Services Officers interested in being considered for the Coastal Valley Academy will give a notice of interest to the SDPO’s and Chief Deputy of the Juvenile Hall.  

  2. When an opening is available, the CDPO of the Custody Division will put out a notice of interest to all officers.  Officers will be screened and selected by the Custody Chief Deputy, CDPO of the Juvenile Division and the Placement SDPO. 

  1. Work schedule 

  1. Work schedules will be assigned in compliance with Juvenile Hall Policy:   Section 3.18 paragraph A:  Work Hours, Shift Assignments and Time Off.
  1. Schedule Rotation and Posting

  1. Staffing schedules shall be prepared every eight (8) months with the exception of the graveyard shift, which will be every four (months). 

  2. The schedule will be posted at least thirty (30) days in advance. 

  3. Officers will put in two requests.  

  4. Schedules will be assigned based on the needs of the facility, seniority, time served on existing shift.

  1. Uniforms

  1. Officers will adhere to the dress policy found in the Juvenile Hall Policy and Procedures Manual, Section 3.22.  

  2. CVA officers will purchase an approved cover shirt or jacket with the CVA emblem through J. Carroll.

  1. Equipment

  1. Officers assigned to CVA will wear the minimum equipment including one pair of handcuffs, Mk-4 Pepper Spray, Portable Two-way Radio with remote speaker mic and earpiece, and Department issued star badge.

  2. Officers are not required to wear earpieces between 2300 and 0700 hours, however it is expected that officers’ on-duty will have them available if necessary to insure confidentiality, safety or security of the facility.

  3. Officers working between the hours of 2000 and 0600 must carry a Seat Belt Cutter commonly referred to as a “suicide knife.”