7.1 Discipline Pursuant to Section 1390
Chapter |
7 |
Section |
7.1 |
Subject |
7.1 Discipline Pursuant to Section 1390 |
Effective Date |
1/31/2024 12:00 AM |
- The disciplining of youth shall be consistent with Article 7, Section 1390 of Title 15 of Minimum Standards for Local Juvenile Facilities and the following guidelines:
- Disciplinary action shall be described in detail using the appropriate form of documentation and be positive in nature using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
- Disciplinary action is intended to correct, guide, teach and deter further negative behavior of youth during their stay at the Juvenile Hall.
- Officers counsel youth regarding the natural and logical consequences of their behavior and create opportunities for youth to practice behavior that is in accordance with a set of desired behavioral expectations; to be Safe, Responsible, and Considerate.
- Discipline SHALL NOT include any form of:
- corporal punishment,
- group punishment,
- physical or psychological degradation or deprivation of: clean bed and/bedding;
- shower and toilet;
- drinking fountain;
- hygiene items;
- clean clothing;
- contact with parents,
- clergy, or attorneys;
- exercise;
- medical and counseling services;
- religious services;
- clean and sanitary living conditions;
- education;
- the ability to send and receive mail;
- books and/or reading material;
- deprivation of diet and/nutritional needs,
- and rehabilitative programing.
- Note: Meals consisting of foods that may be consumed without utensils may be provided for youth who have been deemed at risk for injuring themselves, and/or have demonstrated a history of aggressive and/violent behavior using their food trays, i.e. throwing trays against walls.
- Discipline should be timely, and occur as soon as possible after the incident, which supports the use of discipline. Such rules and penalties shall include both major violations and minor violations, be stated simply and affirmatively, and be made available to all youth. Provision shall be made to provide accessible information to youth with disabilities, limited English proficiency, or limited literacy.
- The on-duty Supervisor / JSO III shall notify and make arrangements with educational program staff to provide schoolwork for youth on room confinement, medical separation, and self-separation,
- Restricting attendance from religious services as a disciplinary consequence is prohibited. If a youth is deemed a risk to the safety and security of the facility requiring separation or room confinement, then separate arrangements shall be made to provide religious services to the youth upon approval of the on-duty or on-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer / Facility Manager.
- A Time-Out: an imposed temporary separation of the youth from the giving youth the opportunity to interrupt a negative pattern of behavior that could lead to discipline if not changed. Time outs shall not exceed 15 minutes and it is expected that staff shall counsel youth during this time period and reinforce the minimum expected behaviors. Time outs must not be in a locked room
- Reflection Time: a phrase used to refer to time a youth spends away from the group to address minor negative behaviors by working on an appropriate written assignment reflecting on the impact of their negative behavior and focusing on more desired behavior. Reflection time sanctions shall be given for rule violations that do not constitute or necessitate an incident report. Reflection times shall result in a youth losing the next available recreation period. Reflection time is NOT to be served during school hours or prohibit a youth from receiving religious services. The on-duty Supervisor or JSO III is authorized to approve officers’ recommendations for imposing reflection time on youth or extending reflection time as needed.
- Privilege Suspension: reserved for youth that refuse to attend school or for repeated rule violations that do not require room confinement. Privilege suspensions shall be documented in an incident report and approved by the on-duty supervisor. All Privilege Suspensions will be accompanied with a written reflective assignment.
- Separation: When a youth is removed from the general population for disciplinary purposes and is NOT confined to a locked room. Medical separation and self-separation is NOT considered discipline.
- Incident Report: Incident reports shall document major rule violations that are not seen as a risk to the safety of others. It could result in a recommendation for room confinement or separation. Staff shall clearly articulate how lower levels of interventions and sanctions were used and failed to change the youth’s behavior, when applicable.