7.3 Privilege System Behavior Management Policy and Procedure

Chapter 7
Section 7.3
Subject 7.3 Privilege System Behavior Management Policy and Procedure
Effective Date 1/31/2024 12:00 AM

The concept of behavior management is multi-faceted and begins at the time of booking.  It is important to set a professional tone at that time.  Further, it is important that youth receive proper instructions regarding institution expectations as well as copies of all facility matrices, rules, and instructions.  

The Privilege System provides youth an opportunity to have a fresh start on a daily basis.  The youth’s daily behavior determines their programming and privileges for that day in most cases.  The Privilege System is based on graduated sanctions, positive reinforcement, and incentives to manage and control behavior.  

The youth must understand that the institution provides a safe and secure environment, and that they will be expected to adhere to the expectations of the institution and follow the directions of the staff.

  1. The youth are eligible daily to have 3.5 hours of recreation, program, and large muscle time during weekdays and up to 6.75 hours of recreation during weekend based on their behavior.
  2. The minimum expected behaviors throughout the day for youth include the following:
    1. Bed is made with few wrinkles;
    2. Clothing in room is folded;
    3. Communicates in a respectful manner with staff and other youth;
    4. Gets along with others;
    5. Requires no more than average amount of supervision;
    6. Attends school, does work as required and complies with teacher directives;
    7. Responds appropriately to staff instructions and follows all safety directives;
    8. Wears clothing neatly and properly; and
    9. Has acceptable personal hygiene and grooming.
  3. All meals shall be eaten at the dining table unless a youth is on room confinement. Youth on Room Confinement may be subject to alternative dining times and locations. 
  4. Graduated Sanctions
    1. Graduated sanctions match the youth's action with the appropriate intervention or sanction based upon the youth's current behavior while in detention, severity of the facility rule violation and level of cooperation at the time of the violation/incident.  The goal is to change the youth’s behavior.
    2. Staff shall start with the lowest consequence that is necessary and reasonable for the situation and move to higher interventions as needed.  
    3. Staff shall give clear expectations of behavior prior to school and programming times using PBIS and utilize redirection and counseling at a minimum for negative or poor behavior.
    4. Time Outs, Privilege Suspensions, Reflection Times, should be used and exhausted in order to change a youth’s behavior and SHALL NOT be served in a youth’s room.
  5. A   Supervisor shall review all incident reports daily to ensure compliance with policy and Title 15.
  6. Staff shall document in an Incident Report and provide notice to school staff, and supervising deputy when a youth refuses to attend school.
  7. Incentives
    1. Youth who meet the minimum expected behaviors shall be allowed the following:
      • Attend all recreation activities;
      • Assist with clean up after meals; 
      • Have lights and radios until 2130 on weeknights and 2200          hours on weekends;
      • Friday movie night;
      • Peer leader party;
      • request roommate of their choice approved by the on-duty Supervisor, 
      • hardbound journals  
    2. Commissary: All eligible youth shall receive commissary on Wednesday and Saturdays.  Youth are not eligible if they are serving time down during Commissary.
      1. Commissary bags will include hygiene products and treats of the same items.
    3. Non-Collect Phone Calls: All youth will be eligible for one (1) non-collect phone call per week.
      1.   Youth will complete a request form and the requests will be approved by the on-duty Supervisor or JSO III.  Approval of the phone calls will be dependent on the youth having good behavior on the day the request is submitted
      2. Unit staff shall notify the on-duty JSO III or Supervisor when approved calls have been completed.  Unit staff shall document phone calls in the Unit Phone Log.
    4. Social Event / Peer Leader Party
      1. Youth who have been detained for at least seven (7) days and have not received any incident reports, privilege suspensions or reflection times throughout the week will be eligible to attend the Social Event
      2. The Social Event is scheduled on Saturdays at 2030 hours and may include special food, games, rewards, etc.
    5. Long Term Incentives: Youth who do not received any incident reports, privilege suspensions, or reflection times for extended period times will be eligible for incentives which vary on a weekly basis and may include but not limited to, use of game room, a different colored t-shirt,  baseball cap, longer showers, white phone calls, personal shoes, lunch from local restaurant etc.