Mid-Higuera Bypass Project

Project Contacts

If you have questions regarding the environmental review process for this project, please contact: Keith Miller, Environmental Resource Specialist at [email protected], or Brendan Clark, Water Resources Engineer at [email protected].

Project Updates

August 21, 2018 - Public Hearing

The meeting will take place at the County Government Center:        

Board of Supervisors Chambers
1055 Monterey Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

The project is proposed to increase the flood control capacity of San Luis Obispo Creek approximately between Marsh Street and Madonna Road through the excavation of bypass channels, terraces, sediment removal, replacement of the Bianchi Lane Bridge, and vegetation maintenance. The Final SEIR focuses on the following issues: biological resources, cultural resources, air quality, visual resources, hazardous materials, drainage/erosion and sedimentation, and noise. The Final SEIR considers two project alternatives in addition to the “No Project” alternative. The Draft SEIR was released for public review and comment between September 23, 2016 and November 14, 2016. The District received a total of 11 comments on the Draft SEIR. A response to each comment received on the Draft SEIR was prepared, and all responses are included in the Final SEIR. The SEIR State Clearinghouse Number is SCH2016021077.


On 8/21/2018 San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors certified the SEIR, adopted the recommended findings, and is working with the City of San Luis Obispo on the required permitting for the project. All materials from the 8/21/2018 hearing can be found at http://agenda.slocounty.ca.gov/IIP/sanluisobispo/agendaitem/details/8994