Crime Prevention and Public Information
The Crime Prevention Unit and the Public Information Unit of the County of San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Office provides the general public with up-to-date information to reduce their probability of becoming the victim of a crime.
Crime Prevention and Public Information Officer
The Crime Prevention and Public Information Unit provide office speakers, neighborhood watch and general crime prevention information to the County of San Luis Obispo. Included in the unit is the Public Information Officer in charge of media relations for the Sheriff's Office. Each Crime Prevention Specialist is assigned specific areas of responsibility in order to provide the general public with up to date information to reduce their probability of becoming a victim of a crime. Areas of expertise include rural crime prevention programs for farms and ranches, personal safety, internet safety, children's programs, business and commercial crime reduction, crime prevention through environmental design and crime free multi-family housing. The Public Information Officer (PIO) provides media outlets in the community with press releases, interview opportunities and promotes the office's objectives via radio, television, print and web based information products.
Crime Prevention Contact
Learn more about the Sheriff's Crime Prevention on their website or contact their office.