Victim Programs

The County Sheriff's Office offers information and resources for the following Victim Programs:


  • Marsy's Law, a measure to provide all victims with rights and due process. 


  • RISE, a non-profit organization that provides crisis intervention and treatment services to survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence and their loved ones. The toll-free 24-Hour Crisis Line is (855) 866-RISE (7473). 


  • The Women's Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo County, which services victims of intimate partner violence and child abuse. Services include a 24-hour crisis line (805) 781-6400, emergency safe house, legal assistance, counseling, transitional housing, and case management. Services are provided to all qualifying individuals with sensitivity to race, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. 


  • The District Attorney's Victim/Witness Assistance Center, which provides a wide variety of crisis and support services to all types of crime victims and their families, including assisting eligible victims with applications to the State for payment of crime-related expenses. In addition, staff supports victims and witnesses throughout the criminal justice process by providing case status information and coordination of court appearances.