Board of Supervisors Meetings and Agendas
Watch or listen to live and past Board of Supervisors meetings, and review agendas, agenda item documents, and minutes on this page.
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The County Administrative Office is responsible for preparing the agendas for Board of Supervisors meetings.
The order of business for the Board meetings is arranged by the County Administrative Officer and Board Chairperson, except for matters set for a specific time by the Board.
The Brown Act requires local legislative bodies in California to post agendas at least 72 hours in advance of public meetings and include brief descriptions of each item that will be discussed during those meetings. However, the County goes above and beyond these requirements. Board of Supervisors meeting agendas are posted online six days prior to each meeting and agenda packets are published online five days prior to each meeting.
Person(s) who wish to submit written correspondence to the Board of Supervisors regarding an agenda item may send it to [email protected]. Please indicate in the subject line the agenda item number (e.g. Item No. 9) on which you are commenting. All correspondence is distributed to each Board of Supervisor and will become part of the official record of the board meeting.
If you have any questions about the Board's agenda or any item within the agenda, contact the County Administrative Office at (805) 781-5011.
How to view the live broadcast of Board of Supervisors meetings:
When the meeting starts under Upcoming Events, a link will automatically pop up that says Watch Live Video. Alternatively, the live broadcast of meetings are available for viewing on television (cable channel 21) and SLO Span’s online streaming.
Board of Supervisors Meetings start at 9AM unless otherwise indicated on the agenda. All Board of Supervisors meetings are held in person in the Board of Supervisors Chambers. See upcoming Agendas for more information.
Board of Supervisors Meeting Calendar
For your convenience, you can find the meeting agendas and information above. Alternatively, you may visit the Board of Supervisor Agenda and Minutes website to directly access the agenda, minutes and documents.
Audio streaming for Android users will need an application called "Serve Stream" in order to listen to the any live meetings via audio only. Click here to download the application in Google Play.
Can’t see the meeting information or agendas? Please update your internet browser.
Visit or call the Administrative Office to view Board of Supervisor Minutes from January 2001 to July 2006.
Visit or call the Administrative Office to view all other documentation, including records prior to 2001.
The Board meetings are broadcast live on television (cable channel 21) and online via the County's website (see above for the link to watch or listen). Televised broadcasts are replayed periodically throughout the week.
The Board of Supervisors meetings are held most Tuesdays beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the County Government Center Board Chambers located at 1055 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo. Specific meeting dates can be found on this webpage.
The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors prepares and maintains all the minutes, records and documents from Board of Supervisors meetings. All documents received are maintained and are available for public inspection. The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meetings are a summary of each item that was scheduled for a particular meeting date.
Past meetings can be found on this web page, or by visiting the Administrative Office in San Luis Obispo during regular business hours except during County-observed holidays.
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