Wage and Pension Increases and Bargaining Update
Author: Human Resources
Date: 5/26/2021 5:02 PM
Information about wage and pension increases and bargaining update
Wage Increases
As we look forward to summer, we want to share some good news about upcoming wage increases. On June 27, several associations will receive a wage increase negotiated in their MOUs, and some unrepresented classes will receive an additional compaction increase and a step 6 will be added to the unrepresented salary schedule.
- District Attorney Investigators Association (DAIA) represented employees in Senior District Attorney Investigator and Assistant Chief District Attorney Investigator classifications will receive a 2.25% salary increase
- Deputy County Counsel Association (DCCA) represented employees will receive a 2.30% salary increase
- San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) Public Services Unit represented employees will receive 2.00% salary increase
- San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) Supervisory Unit represented employees will receive a 2.00% salary increase
- San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) Clerical Unit represented employees will receive a 2.00% salary increase
- San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) Trades, Crafts, and Service Unit represented employees will receive a 2.00% salary increase
- San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Management Association (SLOCSMA) represented employees will receive a 2.50% salary increase
- Unrepresented classifications in BU07, 08, 09, 11, and 16 will have a new step 6 added to their salary schedule and employees who have been at step 5 for one year or more as of June 27, and whose performance has been satisfactory will be eligible for the step. The unrepresented classifications with a represented counterpart will also receive a compaction increase so their base salary will be equal to the base salary of their represented counterpart.
Employees will see these increases on their July 16, 2021 paychecks.
If you haven’t already, check out your 2020 Total Compensation statement where you can review the value of your total compensation package. Click on the link you received in an email from [email protected] on Thursday, May 6.
Pension Increases
Also, on June 27, there will be pension rate increases for the County and employees. The increases are due to a variety of factors including lower than expected return on investments, more than expected employee retirements, longer than expected retiree life spans and changes to investment return assumptions. The specific pension rate that an employee pays is based on the employees’ age at time of hire, tier, bargaining unit, and classification. The rate that the County makes also varies by bargaining unit, tier, and classification. Most employee associations have negotiated caps in place that significantly limits the impact of these pension increases on employees.
The following pension rate increases will be effective on June 27 and reflect on the July 16 paycheck:
Employee Association |
Bargaining Unit (BU) and Description |
Full Pension Rate Increase |
Employee Share of Increase |
County Share of Increase |
District Attorney Investigators Association (DAIA) |
BU06, District Attorney Investigators’ Unit and District Attorney Investigators’ Supervisory Unit |
All Tiers: 5.10% |
All Tiers: 0.69% |
All Tiers: 4.41% |
Deputy County Counsel Association (DCCA) |
BU12, Deputy County Counsel Attorneys |
All Tiers: 3.91% |
All Tiers: 0.46% |
All Tiers: 3.45% |
Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (DSA) |
BU03, Law Enforcement Unit BU14, Supervisory Law Enforcement Unit BU21, Non-Safety Law Enforcement Unit BU22, Dispatcher Unit |
All Tiers: 5.10% (Safety) 3.91% (Misc.) |
All Tiers: 1.00% (Safety) 1.00% (Misc.) |
All Tiers: 4.10% (Safety) 2.91% (Misc.) |
Sworn Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SDSA) |
BU27, Sworn Law Enforcement Unit BU28, Sworn Law Enforcement Supervisory Unit |
All Tiers: 5.10% |
All Tiers: 1.00% |
All Tiers: 4.10% |
San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) “Big Unit” |
BU01, Public Services Unit BU05, Supervisory Unit BU13, Clerical Unit |
All Tiers: 3.91% |
All Tiers: 0.46% |
All Tiers: 3.45% |
San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) “Trades Unit” |
BU02, Trades, Crafts, and Services Unit |
All Tiers: 3.91% |
All Tiers: 0.46% |
All Tiers: 3.45% |
San Luis Obispo County Probation Peace Officers’ Association (SLOCPPOA) |
BU31, Probation Unit BU32, Probation Supervisory Unit |
All Tiers: 5.21% |
All Tiers: 2.60% |
All Tiers: 2.61% |
San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Managers’ Association (SLOCSMA) |
BU15, Sheriff’s Management |
All Tiers: 5.10% |
All Tiers: 1.00% |
All Tiers: 4.10% |
San Luis Obispo Prosecutors’ Association (SLOPA) |
BU04, Deputy District Attorneys |
All Tiers: 3.91% |
Tiers 1&2: 1.95% Tier 3: 0.00% |
Tiers 1&2: 1.96% Tier 3: 3.91% |
Unrepresented |
BU07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 16, and 17 |
All Tiers: 5.10% (Safety) 5.21% (Probation) 3.91% (Misc)
Tiers 1&2 (Safety): 0.46% Tier 3 (Safety): 0.00% Tiers 1&2 (Probation): 0.46% Tier 3 (Probation): 0.00% Tiers 1&2 (Misc): 0.46% Tier 3 (Misc): 0.00% |
Tiers 1&2 (Safety): 4.64% Tier 3 (Safety): 5.10% Tiers 1&2 (Probation): 4.75% Tier 3 (Probation): 5.21% Tiers 1&2 (Misc): 3.45% Tier 3 (Misc): 3.91%
Negotiations for successor MOUs are currently underway for Deputy District Attorneys, Deputy Probation Officers, and the Juvenile Services Officers. The County and Deputy Sheriffs are scheduled to begin negotiations in mid-June. Stay tuned for more information regarding the status of negotiations for these groups.