Upcoming Wage Increases and Pension Increases
Author: Human Resources
Date: 5/22/2020 12:56 PM
Upcoming Wage Increases and Pension Increases.
Upcoming Wage Increases and Pension Increases
The Human Resources Labor Team would like to provide you with an overview of the upcoming compensation changes that are scheduled for July 2020, but before we get into that, we first want to say, “thank you”. Since March 20th, County employees have been stepping up and serving our community during these extraordinary times, and many of you have been tasked with additional responsibilities as you are working as Disaster Service Workers during the current COVID-19 emergency. We see all of your hard work and dedication and wanted to recognize you for this. Without you, we could not provide San Luis Obispo County with the excellent service and care that we do.
Human Resources has been very active during the COVID-19 crisis. We have been working to get communication out to employees and payroll coordinators regarding options available to employees during the emergency. We have also been working with the employee associations and want to recognize them for their excellent communication and collaboration during this time.
As a reminder, the County supports your health and safety. We have several FAQs that cover options for employees to best assist them during this unprecedented time. Please refer to How Employees Will be Paid and COVID-19 and Safety, as well as Human Resource’s Reopening Toolkit for more information. As we continue to emerge from COVID-19 and work to understand the impacts this emergency has had on the community, we will continue to communicate with employees.
If you have any questions, or need anything else, please reach out to your payroll coordinator or Human Resources.
Here is some important information regarding upcoming compensation changes:
Wage Increases
Most represented employees have wage increases scheduled for July 2020. Please review your respective MOU for specific details on the scheduled wage increases here. The table below shows the July increases that will be in effect for each employee association.
Association |
Bargaining Unit |
Increase |
District Attorney Investigators Association (DAIA) |
BU06 – District Attorney Investigators’ Unit and District Attorney Investigators’ Supervisory Unit |
2.50% for District Attorney Investigator III, Supervising District Attorney Investigators |
Deputy County Counsel Association (DCCA) |
BU12 – Deputy County Counsel Attorneys |
San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) “Big Unit” |
BU01 – Public Services Unit BU05 – Supervisory Unit BU13 – Clerical Unit |
San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) “Trades Unit” |
BU02 – Trades, Crafts, and Services Unit |
San Luis Obispo County Probation Peace Officers’ Association (SLOCPPOA) |
BU31 – Probation Unit BU32 – Probation Supervisory Unit |
San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Managers’ Association (SLOCSMA) |
BU15 – Sheriff’s Management |
San Luis Obispo Prosecutors’ Association (SLOPA) |
BU04 – Deputy District Attorneys |
These increases will be effective the pay period including 07/01/ 2020 and will be reflected in the 07/17/2020 paycheck.
Pension Increases
An actuarial valuation was conducted for January 1, 2019 by the San Luis Obispo County Pension Trust, where it was determined that a County-wide aggregate contribution rate increase of 2.68% was needed to appropriately fund the County’s pension plan. County employees are in one of three different pension classifications, and the actual rate increase for those different classifications varies as follows: for employees in the miscellaneous classification the total increase is 2.83%, for employees in the safety classification the total increase is 1.75%, and for employees in the probation classification the total rate increase is 2.64%. These increases will be effective the pay period including 07/01/ 2020.
The County and employees share in these pension increases, and the majority of negotiated MOUs currently in place have specific cost sharing provisions in place specifying how the County and employees will share the increases.
Applicable pension rate increases will be implemented the pay period including 07/01/2020. The chart below shows a breakdown of rate increases by Employee Association and Bargaining Unit:
Employee Association |
Bargaining Unit (BU) and Description |
Full Pension Rate Increase |
Employee Share of Increase |
County Share of Increase |
District Attorney Investigators Association (DAIA) |
BU06 – District Attorney Investigators’ Unit and District Attorney Investigators’ Supervisory Unit |
All Tiers: 1.75% |
All Tiers: 0.87% |
All Tiers: 0.88% |
Deputy County Counsel Association (DCCA) |
BU12 – Deputy County Counsel Attorneys |
All Tiers: 2.83% |
All Tiers: 1.41% |
All Tiers: 1.42% |
Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (DSA) |
BU03 – Law Enforcement Unit BU14 – Supervisory Law Enforcement Unit BU21 – Non-Safety Law Enforcement Unit BU22 – Dispatcher Unit |
All Tiers: 2.83% (Misc.)
1.75% (Safety) |
All Tiers: 0.00% (Misc.)
0.00% (Safety) |
All Tiers: 2.83% (Misc.)
1.75% (Safety) |
Sworn Deputy Sheriffs Association (SDSA) |
BU27 – Sworn Law Enforcement Unit BU28 – Sworn Law Enforcement Supervisory Unit |
All Tiers: 1.75% |
All Tiers: 0.00% |
All Tiers: 1.75% |
San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) “Big Unit” |
BU01 – Public Services Unit BU05 – Supervisory Unit BU13 – Clerical Unit |
All Tiers: 2.83% |
All Tiers: 1.41% |
All Tiers: 1.42% |
San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association (SLOCEA) “Trades Unit” |
BU02 – Trades, Crafts, and Services Unit |
All Tiers: 2.83% |
All Tiers: 1.41% |
All Tiers: 1.42% |
San Luis Obispo County Probation Peace Officers’ Association (SLOCPPOA) |
BU31 – Probation Unit BU32 – Probation Supervisory Unit |
All Tiers: 2.64% |
All Tiers: 1.00% |
All Tiers: 1.64% |
San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Managers’ Association (SLOCSMA) |
BU15 – Sheriff’s Management |
All Tiers: 1.75% |
All Tiers: 0.00% |
All Tiers: 1.75% |
San Luis Obispo Prosecutors’ Association (SLOPA) |
BU04 – Deputy District Attorneys |
All Tiers: 2.83% |
All Tiers: 0.37% |
All Tiers: 2.46%
Unrepresented |
BU07 – Operations and Staff BU08 – General Management BU09 – Appointed Department Heads BU10 – Elected Department Heads BU11 – Confidential Employees BU16 – General Management Law Enforcement BU17 – Board of Supervisors |
All Tiers: 2.83% (Misc.)
2.64% (Probation)
1.75% (Safety) |
All Tiers: 1.41% (Misc.)
1.32% (Probation)
0.87% (Safety) |
All Tiers: 1.42% (Misc.)
1.32% (Probation)
0.88% (Safety) |