Solid Waste
Division Manager - Mladen Bandov
Mission Statement
The Solid Waste Division oversees the proper management, disposal, and recovery of solid waste resources in the unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County, and in doing so supports environmental sustainability, public health and safety, and efficient use of resources in our community.
Solid Waste and Mandatory Recycling Programs
The Division develops and administers programs to support compliance with State requirements, including the Integrated Waste Management Act and subsequent solid waste laws and regulations (AB 939, AB 341, AB 1826). Public Works staff coordinate with local and state agencies including cities and special districts, regional agencies, waste haulers, landfills, transfer and transformation facilities, and residents, businesses, and schools in the communities. The programs include franchise agreement administration and rate reviews, solid waste source reduction and recycling compliance, household hazardous waste and universal waste disposal, education and outreach, facility planning, reporting and recordkeeping.
Organic Waste and Food Recovery Programs
Senate Bill 1383 establishes methane reduction targets in an effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants. The new law requires that jurisdictions meet targets for organic waste disposal reduction and recovery of edible food for human consumption. Public Works staff coordinate with state and local agencies, waste haulers, and community members in the unincorporated areas of the County to meet the State requirements for organics waste diversion from landfills and increase edible food recovery from commercial generators into food recovery services and organizations. The County will be collaborating with all local jurisdictions on capacity planning for recovered organics and local food recovery programs.