Cannabis Services

Cannabis Permitting Guide

The County of San Luis Obispo, through adoption of various ordinances, has determined that certain commercial cannabis activities may have an impact on the area in which they are located. These types of uses require the approval of a land use permit, which sets conditions for the use's establishment and operation. Approval of a land use permit only entitles the use itself; separate permits or licenses may also be required including any proposed construction struction or grading activities.

It is recommended that applicants contact the following agencies during the application process:

Land Use & Zoning

What are you allowed to do on your property? Use this page to find out what cannabis activities your property is zoned for. Cannabis activities are allowed with the appropriate permits in the following categories: Agriculture (AG), Commercial Services (CS), Industrial (IND), Residential Rural (RR) and Rural Lands (RL)

Annual Cannabis Business Renewal Guide

All Cannabis Businesses must renew their license(s) annually. In order for you to stay in compliance we recomend you complete this process prior to thirty (30) days before your license(s) expire. If your license lapses due not submiting required documents, the cannabis business will not be allowed to operate until the license is renewed and fees are paid.

Local Taxes

  • On June 5, 2018, San Luis Obispo County Voters approved Measure B-18, which created a Cannabis Business Tax (CBT) in the unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County. The Tax Collector division of the County's Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector (ACTTC) Department is responsible for administering the CBT Program.


  • All Cannabis Related Businesses (CRB) are subject to the tax, except for "Testing" businesses. If you are a nursery, cultivator, distributor, manufacturer, retailer, microbusiness or other CRB, you are required to pay a 6% tax on gross receipts. 


  • As approved by the voters, the CBT is based on gross receipts, which means all revenue, less any allowable exemptions or deductions. Unlike “net receipts” or “net income”, expenses and costs are not deducted from the taxable amount. Sales taxes and revenue already taxed in other local jurisdictions (cities and counties) may be deducted.

    If you believe that any other exemptions or deductions apply, please contact the Tax Collector.

    Cultivation businesses who also engage in other types of cannabis businesses (e.g. distributors, manufacturers, or delivery services) will need to report transfers of product from the cultivation business to the other business types and assign a Calculated Receipts value based on the current wholesale price. For more information, see the section on Vertically Integrated Transactions by Cultivators, below.


  • The cannabis business tax is collected on a monthly basis and must be remitted to the ACTTC on or before the last day of the month folloing the collection period. For example, cannabis business taxes collected in August must be reported and remitted to the ACTTC on or before September 30th. 


  • Please call the Tax Collector's Office at (805) 781-5831 to request a Cannabis Business Tax return form for the reporting period. 


The Sheriff's Office works diligently to mitigate the illegal cannabis activities within our county and throughout the surrounding area. This is accomplished through criminal and civil processes. We want the legal cannabis operators who have gone through the proper avenues to thrive without the disturbance of  the illicit market undercutting their profit margins.


  • Sheriff's Office Detectives proactively locate illegal cannabis operations, serve search warrants, compile evidence, and file the appropriate criminal charges.


  • Sheriff's Office Code Enforcement Officers proactively locate illegal cannabis operations, participate in search warrants, compile evidence, issue notices of violations and file appropriate civil actions. 


  • The County of San Luis Obispo has also adopted a Cannabis Hearing Process regarding nuisance abatement and permit revocation related to land use violations. This is done civilly by Sheriff's Code Enforcement Officers.

Personal Use and Cultivation

The County of San Luis Obispo allows residents to grow up to six (6) plants, including both mature (flowering) and immature plants, within a one hundred (100) square foot canopy per dwelling unit, indoors in a legally established dwelling or structure that is fully enclosed and secured. Personal cultivation must take place at the person's full-time residence. Outdoor cultivation is not permitted for personal use.

A person is allowed to be in possession of not more then 28.5 grams of cannabis, or not more than eight grams of concentrated cannabis, or both. 

Caregiver Use and Cultivation

Any primary caregiver for a qualified patient who has a recommendation for medical cannabis is allowed to cultivate up to six (6) plants indoors in a legally established dwelling or structure within a 100 square foot canopy,  that is fully enclosed and secured. The cannabis can only be provided to qualified patients of the primary caregiver. 

Qualified patients and primary cargivers need to apply for and obtain a California Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC). If you wish to obtain a medical marijuana medical card you must contact the Public Health Department and provide the following:

  • A form of Identification such as a California Driver's License, California ID card, or another valid government issued photo ID.
  • A signed copy of physician recomendation that states the patient has been diagnosed with a severe medical condition, what the condition is, and that medical cannabis is recommened to manage the condition. 
  • A signed copy of Written Documentation of Patient's Medical Records
  • Proof of residencey in San Luis Obispo County such as a utility bill, mortgage receipt, or a valid California photo ID card with an address in San Luis Obispo County. 
  • A completed and signed Medical Marijuana Program Application/Renewal form

Cannabis Health and Safety Information

Learn more about cannabis (marijuana) use, health risks, safety considerations, and resources to support a cannabis use disorder.