Resources For Businesses

Photo of people wearing masks in a business

Find resources to help your business respond to COVID-19 in SLO County.

Report an Outbreak

See the Latest Guidance for Employees & Workplaces


Signs for your business

Optional: Printable signs are available to communicate information about COVID-19.

Face masks signs

English |Spanish


Photo of keep your distance sign

Keep your distance signs

English | Spanish


In March 2022, the California Department of Public Health replaced its statewide requirement for unvaccinated people to mask in indoor public settings and businesses with a strong recommendation that everyone, regardless of vaccine status, mask in indoor public settings and businesses. Examples include retail, restaurants, theaters, family entertainment centers, meetings, state and local government offices serving the public. 

According to the California Department of Public Health Face Covering Q&A:

CDPH is maintaining the requirement that businesses and venue operators must allow any individual to wear a mask if they desire to. No person can be prevented from wearing a mask as a condition of participation in an activity or entry into a business.

In addition, in settings where masks are strongly recommended, businesses, venue operators or hosts should also consider:

  • Providing information to all patrons, guests and attendees regarding masking recommendations for all persons, regardless of vaccine status.
  • Providing information to all patrons, guests and attendees to consider better fit and filtration for masks [Respirators (e.g., N95s, KN95s, KF94s) or surgical masks with good fit are recommended over cloth masks].
  • Requiring all patrons to wear masks, when risk in the community may be high, or if those being served are at high-risk for severe disease or illness.
  • Requiring attendees who do not provide proof of vaccination to enter indoor Mega Events to continue masking during the event, especially when not actively eating or drinking.

​A business may post a sign or placard at the entrance to their business notifying customers of their mask requirements. Additionally, businesses may post such information on their website or at point of ticket sale prior to entry or notify their members of masking requirements.

Need a sign for your business?  Download one in English or Spanish.

Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations

Cal/OSHA has implemented COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations for California employers. Read the full guidance.

See reported statewide COVID-19 outbreak data, by industry


CDPH Responding to COVID-19 in the Workplace for Employers

This resource was created to help employers understand the steps they can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to respond quickly and appropriately to COVID-19 cases and outbreaks identified in the workplace.

The State developed a consolidated grants portal to find all grants and loans offered by California state agencies. 

If your business has been economically impacted by COVID-19 , the following resources may be able to assist you.  

  • Cal Poly CIE Small Business Development Center provides business assistance to start-ups and established companies, provides assistance with SBA loans and helps entrepreneurs create companies, create and retain jobs, and attract capital investment. It has also compiled resources for businesses impacted by  COVID-19 and provided answers to several common questions.  Visit their website at: 
  • Mission Community Services Corporation provides tools for launching a business, growing a business, conducts webinars for businesses to learn, and provides mentorship and consultation. It also offers support to individuals looking at self-employment as a viable option for their next career. The services offered include one-on-one private consulting, and business related training classes in both English and Spanish.  
  • America’s Job Center can support you and your workers if you are laying off staff or closing through the Rapid Response program
  • SCORE provides guidance, mentoring, and workshops to small or new businesses. 

The SBA offers assistance to any California business wishing to apply for a disaster loan related to economic damage from the COVID-19 health crisis. See more here.