Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Coast Line
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Residents Invited to Speak Next Week on Diablo Canyon Closure

Author: Administrative Office
Date: 9/6/2017 12:56 PM

San Luis Obispo County residents have two opportunities next week to show their support for a proposed settlement that will help ensure local public health, safety and economic stability after Diablo Canyon Power Plant closes.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will hold public participation hearings at the Ludwick Community Center in San Luis Obispo on Sept. 14 at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. While no official action will be taken at next week’s hearing, the Commission will consider public comments when making closure decisions later this year. The County is encouraging the public to address the commission next week.

“The commission is considering a proposed settlement that is intended to safeguard the public safety, health, and economic stability of our community after the power plant closes,” said County Assistant Administrative Officer Guy Savage. “It is vitally important for people to speak on behalf of the settlement, because our community will suffer if it is denied.”

The CPUC has the authority to approve or deny any or all parts of a settlement struck between the County of San Luis Obispo, a coalition of local cities, San Luis Coastal Unified School District, PG&E, and others to mitigate the closure of Diablo Canyon Power Plant. The plant will close by 2025.

The closure was announced in June 2016 and, soon after the announcement was made, the County took a lead role and intervened in the relevant proceedings before the CPUC. Then, the County, cities, and schools reached a multimillion dollar settlement agreement with PG&E to ease the local impacts of the plant’s closure. The settlement will provide $85 million to address impacts to essential public services, the local economy, and offsite emergency planning efforts until the plant is fully decommissioned.

Get more information on the economic impact planning efforts related to the closure of Diablo Canyon Power Plant.