Message from District Attorney Dan Dow
Message from District Attorney Dan Dow

DA Dan Dow Responds to Judge's Order Granting Recusal Motion

Author: District Attorney
Date: 12/11/2020 1:59 PM

District Attorney Dan Dow releases the following statement in response to Judge's decision to grant defendant's request to recuse the District Attorney's office from prosecuting ongoing protest cases.

First, let me be clear I have deep respect for the judicial process and the judges who are called to make difficult decisions. 

With that in mind, I respectfully and strongly disagree with Judge Guerrero‘s findings and decision to recuse the District Attorney from prosecuting criminal activity that occurred during this summer's protests. The law is clear that in order for a district attorney to be recused there must be an actual conflict of interest and the conflict must be so grave as to render it unlikely that the defendant will receive fair treatment during all portions of the criminal proceedings.

There is absolutely no conflict in this case. To the contrary. While I have been personally attacked on many occasions since the arrests in these cases, I have continued to conduct my duty in a manner that is above reproach without bending to popular opinion and public pressure. I am proud of the professionalism that our office has maintained under months of immense public pressure. We have thoroughly, fairly, and objectively reviewed volumes of evidence, conducted additional independent investigation, and made every decision based on the facts and the applicable law.  We have never wavered from our steadfast commitment to ensure that every defendant receives fair treatment while we perform our important Constitutional duty.

To recuse an elected district attorney who has been chosen by the voters of San Luis Obispo County to enforce the law in our community without any evidence of an actual conflict undermines the role and independent nature of an elected prosecutor and sets a dangerous precedent.

Dan Dow, District Attorney for the County of San Luis Obispo

* This is a full and complete statement and is not authorized to be paraphrased or used in part only.

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