Booking Photo: 11/02/2022 Edgar Nolverto Guevara (DOB 01/29/1980) Guilty
Booking Photo: 11/02/2022 Edgar Nolverto Guevara (DOB 01/29/1980) Guilty

Jury convicts Edgar Nolverto Guevara (43) of Committing Sex Acts on Four Children

Author: District Attorney
Date: 12/20/2023 11:55 AM

District Attorney Dan Dow announced today that a San Luis Obispo County Jury has found Edgar Guevara (DOB 01/29/1980) guilty of 11 counts of child molestation and eight counts of forced sex acts on four separate child victims.

The crimes took place in San Luis Obispo County between 2004 and 2022 and involved four separate victims under the age of 14.  The jury also found true that Guevara had been convicted of Criminal Threats in 2001, a strike under California’s Three Strikes Law.

During the trial, jurors heard from the four survivors, law enforcement, other witnesses, and received evidence that in 2007 Guevara had been convicted of committing a sex crime on a person under the age of 18.

“For years this defendant used manipulation, force, and fear to sexually assault four children.  Today, he got what he deserved,” said Deputy District Attorney Danielle Baker.  “Each of the young survivors overcame unique challenges to report and testify against their abuser and we are so grateful for their bravery.  A special thank you to District Attorney Investigator Rose Denny and the DA Bureau of Investigation for their tireless work to bring this defendant to justice, and to the jury for their focused effort in reaching just verdicts.”

Guevara is scheduled to be sentenced January 23, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. in Department 6 of the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court, where he faces a maximum sentence of life in state prison.

The case was investigated by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation. The case was prosecuted by Deputy District Attorneys Danielle Baker and Bianca Aguayo.

Here is the defendant’s booking photo.  Here is a copy of the charging document.

Please contact Assistant District Attorney Eric J. Dobroth at 805.781.5819 with any questions.

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