Planning, Evaluation & Policy

Community Health Assessment

What makes it easier or more difficult to live a healthy life in SLO County? 

That question, and more, drove the work to create the 2023 San Luis Obispo County Community Health Assessment, an interactive report detailing key indicators of community health such as life expectancy, chronic and infectious disease rates, access and barriers to care, and more.

Community Health Improvement

San Luis Obispo County is home to a vast and diverse range of dedicated individuals and organizations working to create a healthy and vibrant future for our community. The Community Health Improvement Plan describes how those diverse individuals and organizations will work together to improve our community’s health over the course of 5 years. It sets forth what we will strive to achieve and provides a road map for how we plan to achieve it. It identifies priority health issues, establishes measurable objectives for improvement and coordinates resources to achieve those objectives.

To see the full plan, including specific goals and activities, visit

Customer Satisfaction Survey

How did we do?  Your input helps us improve the services we provide. Take the survey below and let us know what we do well and how we can do better.

Encuesta de Satisfacción del Cliente

¿Cómo lo hicimos? Tome nuestra encuesta de 5 minutos y háganos saber.

Epidemiology Data & Reports

The Public Health Department investigates individual cases and outbreaks of reported infectious disease. The team monitors disease trends, conducts data analysis and provides current statistics and other information to health care providers, hospitals, the public and news media. Case counts may change as case investigations are completed.

Health Commission

On March 7, 2023, the County Board of Supervisors voted to sunset the Health Commission.

Healthy Community Design

The Public Health Department works to improve the health and wellness of current and future San Luis Obispo County residents through collaboration, education and policy guidance as it relates to health and the built environment.

SLO Health Counts

Looking for data on health in San Luis Obispo County? The new SLO Health Counts data hub provides just that—in an easy-to-understand format that residents, community leaders, hospital staff, researchers, service providers and many others can use to inform discussion and action.