Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

Mobile Digital Computer Use

Pages 2
Effective Date 11/16/2020 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 3/6/2019 12:00 AM

I. Authority

This policy is issued under authority granted to the Chief Probation Officer.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to clearly establish guidelines for the use of Mobile Digital Computers (MDC) in Probation Department vehicles.


III. Applicability

This policy applies to all employees of the San Luis Obispo County Probation Department who use MDCs.

IV. Background

V. General Policy

  1.  The MDC accesses confidential records from the State of California, Department of Justice, Department of Motor Vehicles and Probation Department case management systems.  Employees shall comply with all appropriate federal, state, County of San Luis Obispo and Probation Department policies, procedures, rules and regulations.
  2.  The MDC shall be used for official Probation Department communications only.
    1.  Messages that are of a sexual, racist, offensive, or harassing nature are strictly prohibited.
    2.  Use of the MDC may be reviewed by Probation Department supervisors and management at any time.
    3. All MDC messages are subject to discovery in court proceedings.
  3.  Use of the MDC by the vehicle driver should be limited to times when the vehicle is stopped.  
  4.  Deputy Probation Officers should use the MDC under the following circumstances: 
    1.  To create a CAD incident prior to initiating a probation contact or other field related activity.
    2. Returning to service from a probation contact or other field related activity
    3. Checking the status of subjects, vehicles, or property from the vehicle when accessible and the DPO in trained to do so. Checks on subjects, vehicles or property should be made via the radio when away from the vehicle.
  5.  Changes in Deputy Probation Officer status or responses to dispatch inquiries will be made via the radio.
  6.  Deputy Probation Officers responding to assist another agency shall advise dispatch via the radio.
  7.  Deputy Probation Officers should only use vehicles with functioning MDCs during probation field activities. If Deputy Probation Officers must use a vehicle without an MDC, Sheriff’s Dispatch shall be notified If there is an issue with the standard installed applications or with network connectivity of an MDC, Probation IT should be notified as soon as reasonably possible. 
  8.  Deputy Probation Officers shall not install or use any computer programs, software, hardware, or other electronic devices with the MDC.
  9.  Deputy Probation Officers shall not access the Internet on MDCs unless it is related to Probation Department business.
  10.  Except for normal adjustments of mounting equipment, Deputy Probation Officers shall not modify or tamper with the MDC, its software, hardware, antennas, peripheral devices, or other equipment. The MDC monitor should be adjusted so that it does not impair or block the vision of the driver.

VI. Exclusivity

This policy will remain in effect until superseded or suspended in writing by the Chief Probation Officer and will be reviewed as needed.