Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
2.15 Coastal Valley Academy Donations
Location | Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 2.15 Donations to the Coastal Valley Academy |
Purpose | Establish a procedure for accepting, logging and reporting donations made from staff or outside parties to the Coastal Valley Academy (CVA) |
Effective Date | 7/1/2020 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Staff and/or outside parties have on occasion donated various items such as running shoes, books, gift cards, etc… to the CVA program. Any donations received by the Probation Department must be recorded and later reported out in the Department’s quarterly budget update report.
- Probation Department staff (staff) shall obtain the approval of a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) prior to accepting any donation to the CVA
- Upon accepting any donation, staff shall obtain from the donor an approximate dollar amount value of the donation
- A CVA Donation Letter shall be completed for all accepted donations
- Letter located in MySLO/Department Procedures/Coastal Valley Academy folder
- Staff member accepting donation, or designee, is responsible for ensuring letter is completed
- Letter shall include approximate dollar amount value of the donation
- Letter shall be routed to Chief Probation Officer (CPO) for signature
- Letter with CPO signature shall be provided to the donor for their records unless the donor specifically requests not to receive a copy
- Copy of signed letter to be forwarded to CVA SDPO
- CVA Donations shall be tracked and recorded on an ongoing basis
- CVA Donation Spreadsheet
- CVA SDPO shall maintain CVA Donation Spreadsheet
- All CVA donations shall be included in CVA Donation Spreadsheet
- Quarterly Budget Update Reports
- The Department Administrator (DA) shall include all donations accepted by the Probation Department in the respective quarterly budget update report
- Each fiscal quarter, the DA will email the Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO) responsible for CVA with a deadline for the CDPO to provide the DA will all donations received during the prior quarter
- The CDPO shall obtain the information from the CVA Donations Spreadsheet and provide the information to the DA by the requested date
- The Department Administrator (DA) shall include all donations accepted by the Probation Department in the respective quarterly budget update report
- CVA Donation Spreadsheet