Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
2.16 Placement of Coastal Valley Academy Runaways
Location | Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 2.16 Placement of Coastal Valley Academy Runaways |
Purpose | To establish a procedure for how the Supervision & Services Parent/Guardian Feedback Survey is generated, mailed, recorded, and reviewed |
Effective Date | 4/6/2021 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Runaway applies to youth who have been placed by the Department in congregate care or a foster home, or youth on furlough or home pass from CVA (see the CVA Outings Procedure for youth who abscond from a staff led CVA outing).
- Initial Response
- Upon receiving notification that a youth has run away, the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) or Juvenile Services Officer (JSO) fielding the call shall do the following:
- Confirm if the reporting party notified the youth’s parent(s)/guardian(s) of the runaway incident
- Notify the on-duty Juvenile Hall Shift Leader and the on-duty Juvenile Hall Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) of the runaway
- If there is no on-duty Juvenile Hall SDPO, the DPO or JSO shall notify the on-call Juvenile Hall SDPO and/or the Placement / Commitment Unit SDPO
- Contact the local Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) of jurisdiction to report the runaway if not already done by others
- Complete a Placement / CVA Runaway(s) Worksheet (F: Drive > Juvenile Hall > Control Room > Control Room Printable Forms & Help)
- Add the youth’s name to the Probation Wants List (F: Drive > Juvenile Hall > Control Room > Control Room Graveshift Documents)
- Upon receiving notification that a youth has run away, the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) or Juvenile Services Officer (JSO) fielding the call shall do the following:
- Administrative Response
- As soon as possible, but before the end of the first business day following the run away, the assigned DPO or designee shall do the following:
- Generate a BOL (Be on The Lookout) (in Monitor) and send to a Probation Legal Clerk for processing
- Contact the youth’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and direct them to contact the youths assigned DPO, their local LEA or Juvenile Hall if their child contacts them
- Generate a Wanted Juvenile (in Monitor) and send to [email protected] and other LEAs as necessary
- If the youth’s whereabouts remain unknown after 48 hours:
- Generate a Warrant Declaration (in Monitor) and JV 735 – Juvenile Notice of Violation of Probation (in Monitor) and send to the Juvenile Court Clerk for processing
- Generate a JH Admission Form (in Monitor)
- Notify Juvenile Hall once the warrant has been signed
- The youth will stop receiving custody credits as of the date they absconded
- Once notified that the warrant has been signed, a Juvenile Hall SDPO shall arrange to have the youth removed/released from the Juvenile Hall Monitor Roster as an “Escape”(Intake > Release | How: JH Release | Reason: 17-Escaped | To: Active Warrant | Notes: Absconded from court ordered placement, whereabouts unknown)
- As soon as possible, but before the end of the first business day following the run away, the assigned DPO or designee shall do the following:
- Field Operations Response
- The assigned DPO, or designee shall do the following:
- Make reasonable efforts to locate the youth by contacting individuals at the youth’s last known location, known recent contacts, family members, and friends
- Follow-up on any potential in-county leads by requesting to activate a field response team as appropriate, based on circumstances (timeliness of report on youth’s AWOL or whereabouts, whether the youth runaway incident occurred in San Luis Obispo County, etc…)
- Contact the Juvenile Services Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO) to seek approval to contact Adult and Juvenile Division SDPOs to assist in gathering field trained DPOs to assemble a response team or teams (depending on need/availability)
- Follow chain of command if the Juvenile Services CDPO is unavailable
- Request available field trained DPOs respond to the Juvenile Services Center or another designated location
- The highest ranking responding officer will be designated as the Incident Commander
- An officer of lower rank who has more operational experience than the higher-ranking officer may be designated as the Incident Commander
- The highest ranking responding officer will be designated as the Incident Commander
- The Incident Commander, or their designee, shall do the following:
- Provide Juvenile Hall Control with a list of all the officers involved in the Field Response Team(s)
- Create a Field Response Team cellphone text group, as necessary, for all officers involved in the response (in office or in the field)
- Provide officers with Wanted Juvenile flyer (from Monitor) for the runaway youth(s)
- Develop and share an Operational Plan with responding officers, which may include officer(s) from local LEA, and which should accomplish the following:
- Establishes a perimeter and/or plan for systematically searching the city/area
- Provides direction for the duration of the Field Operations Response
- Defines the charges youth(s) may be arrested for, if contacted
- Youth may be charged with WIC 777 or WIC 871 (Escape) (with a SDPO/CDPO approval) and any other relevant charges, if circumstances exist
- The assigned DPO, or designee shall do the following:
- Follow-Up Response
- If a youth returns to a congregate care facility, foster home, or returns home while on furlough or Home Pass within 48 hours and no warrant is yet issued
- The DPO or JSO fielding the call shall do the following:
- Confirm if the reporting party has notified the youth’s parent(s)/guardian(s) of the youth’s return (if applicable)
- Notify the on-duty Juvenile Hall Shift Leader and the on-duty Juvenile Hall SDPO of the youth’s return
- Email the youth’s assigned DPO and their SDPO advising them of the youth’s return
- Remove the youth’s name from the Probation Wants List
- The assigned DPO shall do the following:
- Contact the youth to confirm they are in their placement or home
- Contact the youth’s parent(s)/guardian(s) advising them of the youth’s return (if applicable)
- Cancel the BOL
- Email PR___________ and other LEAs as necessary advising the Wanted Juvenile has been located
- Conduct an emergency Child and Family Team (CFT) meeting within three (3) business days of receiving notification of the youth’s return with all available team members to discuss the situation
- The DPO or JSO fielding the call shall do the following:
- If a youth returns to a congregate care facility, foster home, or returns home while on furlough or Home Pass after 48 hours and a warrant has been requested
- The DPO or JSO fielding the call shall do the following:
- Confirm if the reporting party has notified the youth’s parent(s)/guardian(s) of the youth’s return (if applicable)
- Notify the on-duty Juvenile Hall Shift Leader and the on-duty Juvenile Hall SDPO of the youth’s return
- Confirm the status of the warrant
- Email the youth’s assigned DPO and their SDPO of advising them of the youth’s return and the status of the warrant
- The assigned DPO shall do the following:
- Contact the youth to confirm they are in their placement or home
- Contact the youth’s parent(s)/guardian(s) advising them of the youth’s return, if applicable
- Consult with SDPO to arrange response to arrest the youth on the warrant
- Youth returns to CVA/Juvenile Hall after absconding while on furlough/Home Pass
- The DPO or JSO fielding the call shall do the following:
- Youth shall be booked into custody on a WIC777 Violation of Probation and processed as a normal Juvenile Hall Booking
- Youth returned on warrant (arrest)
- Youth shall be booked into custody on a Return on Warrant with any other relevant charges and processed as a normal Juvenile Hall Booking
- If a youth returns to a congregate care facility, foster home, or returns home while on furlough or Home Pass within 48 hours and no warrant is yet issued