Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.34 Department Firearms Training and On-Duty Carry Authorization

Location Training
Section N/A
Subject 3.34 Department Firearms Training and On-Duty Carry Authorization
Purpose Establish a standardized process for approving on-duty firearms training and on-duty carry authorization.
Effective Date 10/17/2022 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


The following steps shall be followed for an officer to receive authorization to begin firearms training for on-duty carry.

  1. The officer submits an Arming Training Authorization Request form to his/her Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO).
    1. Arming Training Authorization Request form is located on the Intranet.
  2. The SDPO shall forward the request to the Professional Standards Unit.
  3. The Professional Standards Unit will verify that the officer has completed or will need to complete a psychological evaluation, PC 832 Arrest and Control and PC 832 Firearms.
    1. The Arming Training Authorization Request will be held with the Professional Standards Unit staff until a firearms psychological examination is completed, if necessary.
  4. Professional Standards Unit staff will fill out the Training Unit section of the form and forward the request back to the SDPO.
  5. The SDPO shall notate their recommendation on the request, sign the request and forward it to their Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO). The CDPO shall notate their recommendation on the request, sign the request and forward it to the Chief Probation Officer.
  6. The requesting officer will meet with the Chief Probation Officer.
  7. If request is approved, the Arming Training Authorization Request form will be signed by the Chief Probation Officer and forwarded to the Chief Probation Officer’s executive assistant for processing.
  8. Copies will be distributed as follows:   The Professional Standards Unit, Senior Range Master, officer’s CDPO, officer’s SDPO, and the requesting officer.  The original request will be placed in the officer’s administrative file.
  9. Upon notice, the Senior Range Master will coordinate the issuance of the Department firearm to the approved officer.
  10. If the request is denied, the Chief Probation Officer will notify the requesting officer as to why the request was denied and forward the form to the Chief Probation Officer’s executive assistant for processing.
  11. Copies will be distributed as follows:   The Professional Standards Unit, officer’s CDPO, officer’s SDPO, and the requesting officer.  The original request will be placed in the officer’s administrative file.


  1. Activation of the firearm stipend pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding Between the County of San Luis Obispo and the San Luis Obispo County Probation Peace Officers’ Association will occur as follows:
    1. Lateral Officers –upon issuance of the Department firearm.
    2. New Officers – upon proof of successful completion of the PC 832 firearms course.  A copy of a course completion certificate is required to be submitted by the officer to the Professional Standards Unit SDPO / Training Coordinator or received by the Department from the course representative.
  2. Upon receipt of the PC 832 firearms completion certificate, the PSU SDPO will email the Support Services CDPO to initiate the stipend  request.
  3. The Support Services CDPO will email the DPTs approving the firearm stipend.
  4. De-activation of the firearm stipend will occur when an officer plans to be absent for 90 days or longer and is required to surrender their firearm for safekeeping pursuant to Section VI.F. of the Firearms Possession and On-Duty Carry Policy or when arming status is revoked.
    1. Upon the start of a leave of absence 90 days or longer or upon notification of arming status revocation, the officer’s unit SDPO or CDPO will notify the Support Services CDPO to initiate the deactivation of the stipend.
    2. The Support Services CDPO will email the DPTs to deactivate the stipend with an effective deactivation date.
    3. Exception: Armed officers, injured on duty, will not result in the deactivation of the firearm stipend.
  5. Re-activation of the firearm stipend will occur upon the officer’s return to duty and be commensurate with their return to duty date or upon authorization by the Chief Probation Officer. 


  1. Officers authorized for firearms training for on-duty carry shall complete the field training program.  During the training period, the officer shall remain unarmed unless accompanied by a Field Training Officer in the field or Department Rangemaster for range training/qualification.
  2. The Field Training Officer will send an email notice to PR_FTO when an officer successfully completes the Department field training program.
  3. Upon receipt of completion notice, the officer’s Chief Deputy Probation Officer will send notice of completion to the Chief Probation Officer requesting approval for on-duty arming status via email.
  4. If approved, an “On-duty Arming Authorization” form will be signed by the Chief Probation Officer and forwarded to the Chief Probation Officer’s executive assistant for processing.
  5. Copies will be distributed as follows:   The Department Training Coordinator, Senior Range Master, officer’s Chief Deputy Probation Officer, officer’s supervisor, and the requesting officer.  The original request will be placed in the officer’s administrative file.