Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
5.5 FileOnQ Desktop Guide for Administrators
Location | Support Services-Evidence |
Section | |
Subject | 5.5 FileOnQ Desktop Guide for Administrators |
Purpose | Admin Guide for FileOnQ |
Effective Date | 8/26/2019 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 10/31/2022 12:00 AM |
Step 1: Open up locker number 11. Remove the key(s) and open up the locker / first locker.
Step 2: Scan the bar code located inside the locker or just the item(s) in that locker as the locker number is not defined in the “Current location” section of EvidenceOnQ. If more than one locker is filled, scan the bar code of the next locker or only the contents until all the lockers have been cleared. Then click on “OK”.
Step 3: Scan the location of where to place the evidence (one of the bins or safes) and then scan the item(s). You can scan more than one piece of evidence if placing the items in the same bin / safe without having to rescan the same bin / safe.
There are two types of bar codes – Location and Item. Location can be words or numbers. To enter a new value to be bar coded, go to “File Room” from the main menu and single left click. Then go to “Locations” and single left click. Single left click on “New”.
Fill in the following information: Code (is the person’s name only email address such as eliebscher), Name (first and last name), Comment (Job classification such as DPO) and check only, “Active”. Then key, “OK”.
To find out if an officer(s) has/have provided the property officers with a “requests” task, when we log into EvidenceOnQ, make sure to be in “Query” Mode. Go to “Fileroom” from the main menu. Then click on “Request Monitor”.
On rhw popup that appears, click on one or more of the “Select” squares to view the request. When you have completed the task, check the box(s) to the right of requests completed by moving the curser to the check box and single left click on the box. Then move curser to the “Delete” key and click the “Delete” key.
The icon located next to the current location line provides the history of where the item has been located and additional information.
Use [email protected] or 800-603-6802 Option 4 for all support calls.
How To - Training / Demos
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0 = Unassigned 1 = Yes 2 = No
All fields have search capabilities. In any field, key in the information that is know, then press the key board “enter” key. All cases that contain the specified information will be queried. In the lower right of the screen, the number of cases containing the specified information will appear. If you do not know how to spell the information you are trying view, such as a defendant’s name, key in the first part of the person’s name followed by the star symbol (*). For example, Liebsc*. The same searching can be done when only some of a number is known by first keying the star symbol, part of the number and ending with the star symbol again. For example, *2345* or *bsch*. If you know the last part of a name or number, key the star symbol, then the end of the name / number. For example, *5310 or *scher.
Step 1: As of 2016, all release of property is completed through the Casa Loma Livescan computer located in the lobby outside the interview rooms. Make sure the signature pad is plugged into the PC that you are using. Make sure that you start in blank open query screen as shown below.
Step 2: Single left click on “Fileroom”
Step 3: Single left click on “Checkout”. (Ignore the warning popup window that reads, “Unable to Open wand on COM 2”. On the pop up screen that appears, click on the three dots to the right of the “Check out to location” section.
Step 4: Select the location of where you want the evidence to go. If you are releasing item to the owner, single left click on the “RTO” (Return To Owner) line snd click the “Ok” icon. If releasing to someone other than the owner (anyone who is not already listed in the box, select “RTOP” (Release to Other Person). List the name and relationship of the person if not the owner. If released to another party, the owner of the property needs to have signed a release allowing the other person to take possession of the item unless court ordered.
Step 5. Enter Bar Code in the “Item barcode” section and Click on “Add”. Repeat as necessary (more than one property item).
Step 6: Tab to “Reason” and insert why the item is being released from the dropdown selection. This will enable the checkout button.
Step 7: Tab to “Comment” and insert a comment if desired (for example, relationship of person picking up property for the owner).
Step 8: Enter the name of the person picking up property. Take a photocopy of the person’s driver’s license / ID card.
Step 9: Go to the “Check out” tab and single left click. Click, “Okay” on the Page Setup popup that appears
Step 10. The signature pad will light up. Have the person sign the signature pad. Print a receipt for the person if they want it. Print a second copy and take the receipt and the copy of the ID card to the legal clerk who scans and enters the scanned copy of the receipt in the probationer’s monitor case.
Evidence that has been released to an officer and is being returned can be returned in one of two ways. The second way is the preferred manner in which to return evidence to the evidence room.
First way – The officer follows these steps:
Step 1: The officer logs onto EvidenceOnQ. Once in the “Query” screen, key in the entire barcode number of the item being returned, into the barcode field. Then hit the “enter” key.
Step 2: Go to “Request” and single left click
Step 3: Select, “RTN – Return Evidence to Evidence Room” line and then key, “OK” as shown below.
Step 4: Enter the reason for return in the “Reason” line as shown below and which locker evidence placed. Then key the “OK” icon as shown below.
(Connect Signature Pad)
Second way – This is the preferred manner to return evidence to the Evidence Room. Contact one of the property officers and meet them at the Evidence Booking Room. The property officer will log onto EvidenceOnQ, go into “Fileroom” and “Check-in”. After going through a few steps, the property officer will have you sign the “Signature Pad”, take possession of the evidence and give you a receipt showing that the property was returned to the evidence room.
(This next section is only in the Property Officer’s tutorial)
Step 1: Meet the officer returning the evidence in the Evidence Booking Room.
Step 2: Go to “Fileroom” and single left click.
Step 3: Go to “Checkin” and single left click.
Step 4: The Check in pop up screen will appear.
Step 5: Scan the bar code of the item to be returned to the evidence room. Enter any pertinent information in “Comment”. Insert the person’s name returning the item. Keep the check mark by the statement, “Print a receipt for check in”. You do not need to keep a check mark by the statement, “Print a pick list”.
Step 6: Single left click, “Check In” as shown above. The signature pad will light up. Have the person returning the item sign the signature pad. Then single left click, “Accept”. Print out a receipt and give to the officer.
For printing individual labels:
Step 1: Go to “Labels” and single left click.
Step 2: Single left click on “Location Labels”. The following screen will appear:
Click on all the boxes in which you want to print a label. Then click, “Print”.
For printing groups of labels onto a control sheet of paper:
Step 1: Go to “Labels” and single left click.
Step 2: Single left click on “Location Control Sheet”. The following screen will appear. Click on any boxes next to names / bins / locker that you want to print a bar code. Then click on “Print”.
All the fields with drop down boxes can have more data added. To add additional items to “Item Type”, go to “Data” and single left click and then single left click on “Control Fields”. The Control Field Maintenance screen will appear. To change values of any item, highlight the item, then move the variables in the “Dependent fields” category to “Selected” from “Available” or from “Selected” back to “Available”. To add a new item to “Item Type”, single left click on “Values”. Once an item is listed in “Item Type”, it can not be deleted if there are any folders (cases) in which that “Item Type” is used.
To add new items to each of the drop down boxes (besides “Item Type”), go to “Data” and single left click. Then single left click on “Simple Lookups”. The "Simple Lookup Maintenance" screen will appear. To add new items to any of the drop down boxes which are listed in “Select a Lookup and define its values in the grid” section. Single left click on the item to add additional “values”. To add values to “Property Type”, click on “New”. Add the additional values, and then click “OK”.
(Non EvidenceOnQ Administrators)
Step 1: To add a new user, go to “Tool”.
Step 2: Go to, “Security and Policy”.
Step 3: Double left click on, “Add new User”.
Step 4: Fill in the pertinent information. This will include the person’s Lotus email login, full name as listed in Lotus, description such as “DPO” or “SDPO”, Give the user a password of “12345”, check the [X] “user must change password at next login”, check [X] “password never expires” and then key, “create”.
Adding New User to DPO Assigned Drop Box
Step 1: Click on Data
Step 2: Simple Lookups
Step 3: Highlight Officer & Click on New
Step 4: Enter Last, First – Body #
Follow these steps to build a variety of queries. Once a query is created, it will be displayed in the list of queries.
Step 1: Go to “File”.
Step 2: Go to “Custom Queries” and then to “Manage” and single left click on “Manage”. The "Query Manager" pop up screen will appear.
Step 3: Single left click on “New….” As shown above. The "Query Designer" screen will appear.
Step 4: Name the Query and either select one of the items listed in “Category” or create a new Category by single left clicking on “New….”. Add information to “Description” if desired.
Step 5: Single left click on “Criteria” tab. Choose data from the “Field” drop down and the “Operator” drop down.
Step 6: Single left click on “Sort” tab. Single left click on the “Sort by:” drop down. If you want to further sort, go to the first “Then by:” and corresponding drop down arrow. If you want to further sort again, go to the second “Then by:” and the corresponding drop down arrow.
The SQL screen tab is a “behind the scenes” tool incase our IT staff want to modify the SQL language.
Step 1: Single left click on “Tools”
Step 2: Single left click on “Options” and then on the“This Workstation” tab.
Step 3: After single left clicking, click on the “Local Wand” sub tab.
Step 4: On the “Local Wand” sub tab “Com Port:” should read, “COM2”. “Baud Rate:” should read, “9600”. If not, make the changes. Then single left click, “OK”.
Step 5: Go to “File” from the main menu and single left click on “Query by Scan”
Step 6: Scan the item bar code.
To customize which reports (Queries) an Administrator wants to view or which report to limit, follow these steps.
Step 1: Go to “Tools” and single left click.
Step 2: Go to “Options” and single left click.
Step 3: Single left click on “Queries” tab
Step 4: Select the Queries desired.
To change the “Home Location” for each piece of evidence, go to “User” tab
Step 1: Enter the bar code you want to run the audit trail and press the “enter” key.
Step 2: Go to “View” from the main menu
Step 3: Select “Show Audit”.
Step 1: Go to “File” from the main menu
Step 2: Single left click on “Audit…” and the "Audit View" screen will appear:
Step 3: Check the various boxes desired and then single left click “Find”.
Step 1: click on “File” from the main menu.
Step 2: Go to “Custom Query” and follow the arrow to the left.
Step 3: Single left click on “Ad Hoc….”. The "Query Desinger" screen will appear.
Step 4: Go to the “Field” drop down menu and select an item. Go to the “operator” drop down menu and select an item. If you want to further narrow the query, go back to the “Field” drop down menu and select an item. Go to the “operator” drop down menu and select an item.
Step 5: Right click on the “Search” icon.
To view Custom Queries, follow these steps:
Step 1: Single left click on “File”
Step 2: Go to “Custom Query” and follow the arrow to the left.
Step 3: Single left click on item you want to query.
Step 4: Single left click on “Browse”