Energy Efficiency
El Chorro Park Lighting Retrofit Project
In late 2018, staff implemented an LED lighting retrofit project at El Chorro Regional Park. This project consisted of replacing over 100 lights from an older, inefficient technology to energy efficient LED lighting. This project was implemented via a PG&E’s On-Bill Financing program, where the cost of the project is paid via the realized savings from implementing the technology.
LED lighting is 90% more efficient than older lighting technologies and provides an improved quality of light. Look for this lighting the next time you’re at El Chorro Park!
Energy Efficiency Day
Save or print this pledge to keep a constant reminder of ways you should be saving energy in your home and office, download the PDF Version.
Clean energy jobs are a growing sector of our economy. See the infographic below for more information on energy jobs in the state and the county.
Watch these TED talks to learn more about the thought processes behind energy conservation.
Saving Energy
We use energy every day in every part of our lives. Energy is how we have a hot cup of coffee in the morning and how we have lights to turn on in our house when its dark at night. It is easy to take the energy we use every day for granted, but the amount of resources it takes to create energy has a significant impact on the environment.
In fact, 35% of energy used in the home is wasted – meaning it’s being used without serving a purpose. See the tips below for ways to save energy in your home.