Stormwater at Your School

Stormwater pollution is caused when rainwater runs off of streets, parking lots, sidewalks, or disturbed areas and picks up pollutants such as sediment, oils, or chemicals. These pollutants are transported into the storm sewers and directly into our lakes, streams, and the ocean.

Most people are surprised to learn that stormwater is a leading cause of water pollution across the country. Most stormwater is NOT treated before it enters the creeks or ocean; whatever material the water collects as it runs off the streets, parking lots, or sidewalks ends up in our creeks or ocean.

Check out resources for children and students below:

Bilingual Student Activity Books

CalTrans Stormwater Activity Book-English

CalTrans Stormwater Activity Book-Spanish

Sammy the Steelhead Activity Book-English

Sammy the Steelhead Activity Book-Spanish

Sammy the Steelhead Coloring Book-English

Sammy the Steelhead Coloring Book-Spanish

For printed copies please email [email protected]


Learn more about what California colleges have done to reduce their plastic footprint, then check out the Marine Debris & Plastic Source Reduction Toolkit for Colleges and Universities. There are great tips for reducing the amount of waste generated at your school.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium provides great curriculum guides for students of all ages! Check out the Resources on their Education Page.

Check out the EPA’s website for resources related to Learning and Teaching about the Environment. There are great resources for teachers and students alike!