GIS Services

GIS Parcel Data

The County of San Luis Obispo is engaged in a current project to bring Geographic Information Systems (GIS) parcel maintenance in-house to the Assessor's Office. However, until then we are unable to distribute these data.

Please contact ParcelQuest, owner of these data, to obtain a copy. If you are a contractor working for a County department, please provide them with your County point of contact for the project. We thank you in advance for your understanding.

County of SLO GIS Open Data Site

The County of San Luis Obispo Geographic Information Systems (GIS) teams are committed to providing transparency and easy access to as many GIS datasets as possible. To support this mission, they created an Open Data site through, which is the data repository for all publicly available SLO County GIS Data.  

GIS Aerial Imagery

2014 Aerial Imagery - The County's 2014 aerial imagery was placed in the public domain. To obtain the County’s 2014 aerial imagery data, go to USGS’s EarthExplorer website - . For assistance with the downloading data from EarthExplorer, please contact Drew Decker from the USGS at (619) 225-6430 or