Paso Robles Groundwater Basin (PRGWB)
Information about programs within the Countywide Water Conservation Program (CWWCP) that apply to the area encompassing the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin.
Recent policy updates
On April 6, 2021, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to develop a new planting ordinance for the Paso Basin Land Use Management Area. Visit the project site for more information.
On August 24, 2021, the Board of Supervisors extended the termination date for the Agricultural Offset Requirements from January 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022.
On January 1, 2022, the 1:1 water offset requirement for new construction in the Paso Basin area expired (Title 19.07.042). Well meters are still required for new structures.
If your property is in the PRGWB per the Land Use and Building Ordinances,
No Land Divisions. No General Plan Amendments that Increase Water Demand. (Per Section 22.94.025 Planning Area Standards.)
2:1 Water Offset for Non-Agricultural Discretionary Land Use Permits. (Per Section 22.94.025 Planning Area Standards.)
1:1 Water Offset Fees for New Construction Applications Received Before January 1, 2022. New construction applications received prior to January 1, 2022 are required to pay water offset fees to fund projects to reduce existing water usage on other properties within the basin. Click the icon below to see the list of fees.
Agricultural Offset Application Required for New Commercial Irrigated Crops. New or expanded irrigated agriculture is required to apply for Agricultural Offset Clearance from the County Department of Planning & Building. Click the icon above to see application requirements.
Eligibility for Water Offset Programs. Water offset fees from new construction fund turf removal and plumbing retrofit projects on existing development per three options:
- Option #1: Individual residences, public facilities, and commercial uses may apply for up to a $6,000 rebate for turf removal ("Cash for Grass"); a $250 rebate to upgrade an old washing machine ("Washer Rebate Program"); and free replacement of up to two toilets, two showerheads, and two faucet aerators per property ("Plumbing Retrofit Program"). The application forms for these programs are available by clicking the icons above.
- Option #2: Public facilities and commercial uses may apply for up to $10,000 to fund turf removal and plumbing retrofit projects that also create a public benefit. Projects need to quantify the anticipated water savings. If interested, email to start your project application.
- Option #3: Any project requesting over $10,000 needs approval from the County Board of Supervisors.
If your property is in the PRGWB "area of severe decline" per the Land Use Ordinance,
then your property is not eligible for the 5 AFY exemption for new irrigated crop production.
See "Agriculture Off-Set" above for more information.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan
For information about the Paso Robles Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), visit