Daniel “Colt” Esenwein

County Hires New Public Works Director

Author: Administrative Office
Date: 4/3/2018 1:18 PM

After months of vetting qualified candidates, the County has hired Daniel “Colt” Esenwein as its next Public Works Director, a key member of the County’s leadership team.  

After months of vetting qualified candidates, the County of San Luis Obispo has hired its next Public Works Director, a key member of the County’s leadership team.  

The Board of Supervisors approved an employment agreement on April 3 with Daniel “Colt” Esenwein to serve as the County Public Works Director beginning on April 23. 

“Colt Esenwein has a reputation as an innovator who takes action to make projects work,” said John Allan Peschong, the Board of Supervisors Chair and District 1 Supervisor for the County of San Luis Obispo. “Colt understands the need to build coalitions of support and balance competing interests. I’m confident he is a leader who will get the job done and I welcome him to San Luis Obispo County.” 

A registered professional civil engineer with the State of California, Esenwein brings more than 17 years of industry experience to the County of San Luis Obispo. In his new role, Esenwein will work closely with the County Administrative Office and oversee the operations of the County Department of Public Works, which has about 300 full-time employees. 

Esenwein is currently the Assistant Public Works Director for the County of Santa Cruz, where he has been responsible for managing wastewater design and operations, solid waste and recycling, flood control, storm water and construction management divisions. 

"I’m am honored to join the leadership team at the County and am looking forward to serving the community alongside the outstanding group of people at Public Works,” Esenwein said. 

Esenwein previously served as the Deputy Public Works Director for the County of Stanislaus.  He also served in the United States Navy from 1990 to 1994 and has a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from Cal Poly. 

The County began its recruitment for the new Public Works Director in January 2018. The recruitment and selection process involved a review of top candidates, including panel interviews and candidate presentations to stakeholders and Public Works management staff.