Central Coast Aquarium Beautification Project concept from FY 2018-19.

Grants Available for Beautification Projects in SLO County

Author: Administrative Office
Date: 11/1/2018 3:05 PM

Public and private nonprofit organizations can apply for grant funding to enhance the cultural, environmental, recreational or historical resources in the unincorporated areas of SLO County.

Local nonprofit groups and public agencies are invited to apply for grants now through January 2019 to fund projects for fiscal year 2019-20 that will enhance the cultural, environmental, recreational, or historical resources in San Luis Obispo County’s unincorporated areas.

As part of the County’s Infrastructure and Beautification Grant program, the County can award a total of $90,000 to qualified applicants. Projects may include trails, public art, benches or decorative landscaping. Applications are due on January 18, 2019.

All applications should include specific details about the project and its overall budget, with a focus on the outcome and its benefit to the community in unincorporated areas of the County. Applicants are encouraged to propose projects that preserve the assets and enhance the beauty of our unincorporated communities. Funds will not be used to pay for insurance or on-going maintenance projects.

Last year, the Board of Supervisors approved grant funding for 12 of the 18 proposed projects that applied, which included a sustainable garden at the Central Coast Aquarium; the installation of Whale Tail benches in Cayucos; the installation of new picnic tables and benches at C.W. Clarke Park; installation of park benches, trash containers and planters in Olde Towne Nipomo; and the installation of solar-generated vintage lampposts in Santa Margarita. 

The program was created in collaboration with the County’s Tourism Business Improvement District (CBID). The CBID Advisory Board and County staff review applications and provide the Board of Supervisors with recommendations for grant funding.

Agencies and organizations with approved projects will receive an agreement with terms and conditions for signature. The amount of funds available each fiscal year is at the discretion of the Board.

Applications and instructions can be found on the County’s website under the Infrastructure/Beautification Grants webpages.