Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

State Commission Denies Proposal to Safeguard Future of SLO County

Author: Administrative Office
Date: 1/11/2018 12:35 PM

Although a state commission approved the closure of Diablo Canyon Power Plant today, it denied a multimillion-dollar proposal to ease the local impact of Diablo Canyon Power Plant’s impending closure.

The proposed agreement between the County, local cities, SLO Coastal Unified School District, and PG&E was meant to safeguard local public health, safety and economic stability. County officials expressed disappointment after the California Public Utilities Commission denied certain parts of the proposal, including the community impact mitigation program.

“We’re disappointed. The County worked with a broad community and business coalition to develop a program that would help us protect local public health, safety and economic stability,” said County Administrative Officer Wade Horton. “This continues to be our top priority. We will continue collaborating with our partners to determine the best path forward.”

The County and its partners can pursue two options in the future, given the commission’s decision today. These include a legislative approach, working with the State of California to create legislation that specifically directs this Commission to approve ratepayer funding for the Community Impact Mitigation Program, or PG&E can pledge shareholder funds to support the Community Impact Mitigation Program.

View PG&E’s response to this decision.

View the CPUC’s announcement of the decision