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Applications Open for Service on the San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury

Author: Administrative Office
Date: 3/30/2023 12:56 PM

Apply to become a member of the San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury. Applications due by April 14, 2023.

Written applications are due by April 14, 2023 and are then screened for eligibility, followed by an orientation, and an interview with members of the San Luis Obispo County Chapter of the California Grand Jurors’ Association. Finalists will be interviewed a second time by a Superior Court judge. A random drawing during the selection and swearing in ceremony will determine the 19 grand jurors and 11 alternates for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.  

A new grand jury is empaneled each year. Grand jurors volunteer to work as an independent body under the guidance of the Superior Court. Investigations may be initiated in response to formal complaints, newspaper articles, or recommendation from a previous grand jury.  Investigating and reporting on the operations of local government is known as the “watchdog” function of a civil grand jury.  Each civil grand jury determines which officers, departments and agencies it will investigate during its term of office. 

Applications may be found at Jury Services, Superior Court, 1050 Monterey Street, Room 224, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 or by calling (805)-706-3611 or online.

Download the grand jury application at


For more information about the San Luis Obispo County Chapter of the California Grand Jurors’ Association contact Nancy Welts, chapter president via email at [email protected].