New Airport Terminal to Open in November
Author: SLO County Regional Airport
Date: 8/30/2017 3:26 PM
After several years of construction, the new terminal at San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport is scheduled to open on Nov. 2.
The San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport is pleased to announce that its new terminal will open November 2. Construction has been ongoing since 2015.
The new terminal is 56,000 square feet—almost 45,000 square feet larger than the existing terminal. High ceilings, natural materials and a new outdoor courtyard convey a strong feeling of the regional landscape in the terminal space. The size of the new facility also provides travelers with a variety of new amenities, from a larger checkpoint area to a food and beverage concession post-security.
The terminal’s opening comes at an ideal time for the airport, which has recently begun new nonstop service to both Seattle and Denver. Larger planes serving existing routes have also put space at a premium. The new facility complements the airport’s route growth by providing a larger area for checkpoint queuing, new jet bridges and much more space after security.
“This is a very exciting time for the airport and its passengers,” said Kevin Bumen, Director of Airports. “The new terminal is a beautiful, efficient building that will enable us to provide an incredible customer experience. People are going to love it.”
The inaugural inbound flights are scheduled for the evening of November 1. Departing passengers will first utilize the check-in lobby, security checkpoint and gate areas on the morning of Thursday, November 2.
Construction of the new terminal has proceeded on schedule and budget, and with the full support of the County Board of Supervisors, who voted to approve the development in August 2015. The $39.5 million project is being funded through a combination of FAA grants, Passenger Facility Charges and airport revenues.
For renderings, construction images and video, visit sloairport.com/new-terminal-construction.