District 1 Supervisor John Peschong
Welcome to the First District of San Luis Obispo County.
I'm Supervisor John Peschong and my Legislative Assistant is Lori Gallegos. Together, we will be the ones you most often work with when you have questions or concerns regarding issues in the First District. We hope to provide you with a few facts about our District and give you some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
In addition, we hope to provide you with the means to find the information you desire and try to keep you as current as possible about projects in District One.
Currently I serve on:
- San Luis Obispo Council of Governments as Past President
- Regional Transit Authority as Past President
- Air Pollution Control District
- Cal -ID Advisory Board
- Golden State Finance Authority
- Golden State Connect Authority
- Rural Counties Representatives of California
- Atascadero Basin Cooperative Committee
- Adult Services Policy Council
- Independence Ranch Service District
Here is a link for County road closures: