Board Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
Use this tool to access the Board of Supervisors agenda, live and archived meetings, agenda items and minutes. The Board of Supervisors holds public meetings almost every week during which discuss County business, hold hearings, receive presentations, consider public comment, approve and renew contracts, and more.
- Person(s) who wish to submit written correspondence/public comment to the Board of Supervisors regarding an agenda item may send it to Please indicate in the subject line the agenda item number (e.g. Item No. 9) on which you are commenting. All correspondence is distributed to each Board of Supervisor and will become part of the official record of the board meeting.
The Board of Supervisors meetings will be available to view live online when the meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. A link will pop up at that time on the County home page, that says "Watch Live Video". The meeting is also available to view at the following link: If you are experiencing issues with the live stream below, please close the stream and click on the meeting link again.
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DISCLAIMER: The live and archived video player may not be compatible with some of the latest browser updates. We are currently working to remedy this issue. In the meantime, please either update your browser settings to enable Flash or use Internet Explorer to view and download public meeting videos. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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