Fictitious Business Name Abandonment

What is the process?

Submit Statement of Abandonment of FBN

Abandoning the use of a Fictitious Business Name filing in the County of San Luis Obispo can be completed one of three ways:

  1. Online via the Self-Service Portal to submit the information. 

THIS DOES NOT COMPLETE YOUR TRANSACTION.   After submitting your information online, the registrant MUST come into one of our offices to complete the process within 30 days. Valid identification and fees required.  


  1. In-person at the Clerk-Recorder's Office in San Luis Obispo.

If you are the registrant: When you arrive, use one of our kiosk computers in the lobby to fill out your application, then proceed to the counter to electronically sign the application and show valid identification.

If you are not the registrant:  When you arrive, use one of our kiosk computers in the lobby to fill out the application, then proceed to the counter to show valid identification. You must present an original Abandonment of a Fictitious Business Name Statement signed by the registrant.

  1. By mail via the application form. Mail the completed form to the Clerk Recorder’s Office at the address below. Must be accompanied with the appropriate fee. We recommend emailing a copy of your form to [email protected] so we can review for errors before mailing.

          Mail completed form to:

County of San Luis Obispo Clerk-Recorder

1055 Monterey Street, Suite D120

San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Publish Statement of Abandonment

After filing the Statement of Abandonment with Clerk-Recorder's Office, it must be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the County of San Luis Obispo. The first publication must commence within forty-five (45) days of filing the Statement of Abandonment.

Submit Proof of Publication

Each publisher has different procedures for proof of publication, so communicate with the publisher directly regarding the process. Pursuant to BPC 17917(d) and affidavit of publication must be filed in our office within 45 days of completion of publication.

Who is eligible?

Any registrant who has filed a Statement of Fictitious Business Name in the County of San Luis Obispo within the previous five (5) years and who has ceased to transact business under this Fictitious Business Name shall use this service to abandon the of use of the Fictitious Business Name.

Is there a charge for this service?

Yes. Please refer to the Clerk-Recorder's Fee Schedule.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available anytime throughout the year by mail, online, or in-person at the Clerk-Recorder Office in San Luis Obispo during our transaction hours except during County observed holidays.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM* Wednesday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM* *Last transactions processed 30 minutes prior to closing

1055 Monterey Street Suite D120
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Tel: (805) 781-5080

Fax: (805) 781-1111


You can file for Fictitious Business Name Abandonment in one of three ways: 

  • Online

  • In the County Clerk's Office in San Luis Obispo during normal business hours

  • By mail

Only active fictitious business name statements can be abandoned (filed within 5 years). Use the link below to search the fictitious business name index which includes the business and registrant name(s), filing number, filing date, and expiration date. You may also search the index at our San Luis Obispo office.

No. If a fictitious business name filing has expired, there is no need to file a statement of abandonment.

Mail completed forms to:

County of San Luis Obispo Clerk-Recorder
1055 Monterey Street, Suite D120
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408