Fictitious Business Names

Fictitious Business Name Abandonment

This service allows you to abandon the use of a Fictitious Business Name (FBN). Upon ceasing to transact business in this state under an FBN that was filed in the previous five (5) years, a person(s) who has filed a Fictitious Business Name Statement shall file a Statement of Abandonment of use of Fictitious Business Name. The statement shall be executed in the same manner as a Statement of Fictitious Business Name and shall be filed with the County Clerk of the county in which the person(s) filed their fictitious business name statement. Business and Professions Code Section 17922.

Fictitious Business Name Copies

This service provides information on how to search the Fictitious Business Name record indices and obtain copies of Fictitious Business Name Statements. Fictitious Business Name Statements are filed and maintained in the County of San Luis Obispo Clerk-Recorder's Office. Copies of existing Fictitious Business Name Statements are a public record and available upon request. 

Fictitious Business Name Data File

This service allows you to purchase Fictitious Business Name Statement Filings Data.  

Fictitious Business Name Filing

This service allows you to file a Fictitious Business Name Statement. Under Business and Professions Code 17900 et seq., the purpose of a Fictitious Business Name Statement is to protect those dealing with individuals or partnerships doing business under fictitious names, and it is not intended to confer any right or advantage on individuals or firms that fail to comply with the law. The filing of a fictitious business name certificate is designed to make available to the public the identity of person(s) who are legal owners of the business.

Fictitious Business Name Search

This service allows you to search the index of Fictitious Business Name Statements. Statements are a public record. You may search the index of Fictitious Business Name Statements that are filed and maintained in the Clerk-Recorder office online using the County of SLO Fictitious Business Name Self-Service Portal.

Fictitious Business Name Withdrawal from Partnership

This service allows you to file a Statement of Withdrawal from a Partnership operating under a Fictitious Business Name. Any registrant who is a general partner in a partnership that is or has been regularly transacting business under a fictitious business name may, upon withdrawing as a general partner, file a statement of withdrawal from the partnership operating under a fictitious business name.