All Services

Assistance for Voters with Special Needs

San Luis Obispo County offers voters with disabilities options that provide for a private and independent voting environment that works for you. These options include:

  • Vote-by-Mail: Your ballot is automatically sent to you. Keep it safe and return your ballot by mail, drop box, or polling place.
  • Voting at a Polling Place: You can go to your assigned polling place on Election Day.
  • Accessible ballot-marking machines (ICX) are available at every polling place on Election Day and at the County Clerk-Recorder offices beginning 29 days prior to the election.
  • Accessible Voter Information Guide on the web: Voter Information Guides are available on the Clerk-Recorder’s website with the use of personal accessible navigational tools and screen reader technology. Use our Polling Place Lookup to access.

Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM)

A remotely accessible vote-by-mail voting experience can be provided by the elections staff for all voters, including those with disabilities. This includes using web-based tools on a personal computer, printer, and one’s personal assistive device(s) (screen readers, tactile switches, closed captioning, sip and puff system, etc.) to access and mark one’s ballot, then return it by mail to the Elections Office.

Details and a fact sheet can be found here, or you can contact the Elections office for information at 805-781-5228.

Other Assistance for Visually, Hearing or Speech Impaired:
The Secretary of State’s Office has a TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) to provide elections information: 1-800-833-8683 (1-800-TDD-VOTE). Large-print format of the state ballot measures continues to be available.

Ballot Initiative Qualification

This service provides information for qualifying an initiative to go to election and placing a measure on the ballot. 

Campaign Finance Disclosures Filing

This service provides access to the online portal used to file campaign finance disclosures. County Ordinance No. 3261 requires electronic filing of campaign disclosure documents for all candidates and committees. Treasurers must use the NetFile Filer login link to file campaign finance disclosures (Fair Political Practices Commission Forms 410, 460, 496, 497, 461, and 465). These documents are public and may be audited by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) and California Franchise Tax Board to ensure that voters are fully informed and improper practices prohibited. It is the responsibility of candidates and committees to understand the rules regulating their campaigns in California.

County Ordinance 3487 addresses local campaign finance contribution limits.

Campaign Finance Reports and Information Search

The California Political Reform Act requires candidates and committees to file campaign statements by specified deadlines disclosing contributions received and expenditures made. These documents are public and may be viewed using the Campaign Finance Disclosure Public Portal. The filings available online are redacted. Please contact the Clerk-Recorder office for unredacted versions.

Please note that this portal is not managed or maintained by the County of San Luis Obispo. It is managed and maintained by a third-party company that hosts campaign disclosure forms, documents and statements for local California governments. But if you need assistance, please contact the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office.

Current & Upcoming Elections

These links provide information on current and upcoming election(s) being conducted by the County of San Luis Obispo.

Current Officeholders Information

This service provides a list of current Countywide officeholders, term lengths, and term expiration dates.

Current Recall Efforts

Information regarding any current recall efforts is posted here for San Luis Obispo county voters' information

Election Observer / Poll Watcher

This service provides information about poll watcher rules when observing procedures at polling places or the central counting location. See the Poll Watcher Guide for details.

Election Video Resources

The following are educational video resources regarding election processes. Click on any of the images below to watch a detailed video about the subject. 

First Time Federal Voters

The Help America Vote Act requires first time voters to show identification when voting.  If you registered to vote by mail after January 1, 2003 and have not previously voted in San Luis Obispo County you will be required to show your current valid photo I.D. or a copy of one of the following that shows your name and address when you go to the polls on election day:  current utility bill, bank statement, government check, government paycheck, or other government document.  The same requirement applies if you vote by mail.

Past Elections

This service provides election results, documents, and information related to past elections conducted by the County of San Luis Obispo. Summary reports of final official election results dating back to March 2000 are available online. Older results may be obtained from the Clerk-Recorder office.

Polling Place Lookup

This service provided by the California Secretary of State allows you to look up your polling place and other relevant voter status information.

Polling Place Lookup

Precinct Maps

This service provides access to the precinct mapping information maintained by the Clerk-Recorder office for election purposes. Geographical information systems (GIS) technology has been used to maintain precinct boundaries and facilitate map printing. Precinct maps utilize GIS data maintained by various County departments and other agencies such as Public Works, Assessor, Planning & Building, cities, LAFCO, the Citizens Redistricting Commission, and the Census Bureau.

Please contact the elections team at [email protected] or 805-781-5228 with any questions.

Precinct Workers

The staff at the Clerk-Recorder's Office work hundreds of hours to prepare for each election, but on election morning, the process is turned over to precinct workers (also known as poll workers) to administer. We need dedicated community members to serve voters who go to the polls on Election Day. Specific examples of what you will be doing as a precinct worker include:

  • Before Election Day, attend training & pick up your supplies
  • Election Day, arrive at 6:00AM to set up
  • Assist voters when signing in
  • Issue ballots to voters and accept ballots from vote-by-mail voters
  • Close the polls
  • Account for ballots & pack up supplies
  • Deliver the voted ballots & supplies to a central collection point

While most poll workers admit it is a more complicated process than they first imagined, they have also expressed a great satisfaction at contributing to an important piece of American democracy.

If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call us at (805) 781-5228.

Click here for more information on Precinct Worker Programs

Recall an Elected Official

This service provides information on how to remove an elective officer (elected official) from office.

Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM)

For more details, check out our printable RAVBM Fact Sheet & FAQs.

What is Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM)?

The RAVBM system allows voters to vote independently and privately by marking ballot selection(s) using their own compatible technology. This system is available to all California registered voters. To use the RAVBM system, a voter must download the application, mark and print their ballot, sign the envelope (using the envelope provided with the regular vote-by-mail ballot or the voter's own envelope), then return their ballot by mail, drop box, polling place, or directly to the SLO County Elections Office.

How to use RAVBM

A voter using RAVBM:

  • Requests a RAVBM from their County Election Office by application, phone, email or by reviewing their information on My Voter Status at
  • Receives an email from the County Elections Office that includes a link to the RAVBM system and a unique ballot access code.
  • Uses their code to access their ballot and mark their voting choices.
  • After marking, reviewing, and accepting their ballot, prints and returns their complete ballot package (containing the voted ballot, ballot declaration, and voter oath) by using the postage-paid envelope included with their original vote-by-mail ballot or by using their own envelope, which would require postage. Whichever envelope is used, it must have the voter’s signature on the outside. The voter can also return their envelope in person to a drop box, polling location, or the County Elections Office. 

A voter cannot submit their selections online. It must be mailed or returned in person.  

For RAVBM questions, please call the SLO County Elections Office at (805) 781-5228 Mon-Tue and Thurs-Fri between 8am and 5pm or Wed between 8am and 4pm.  You may also email your questions to [email protected].

Running for Public Office

We offer assistance to candidates running for office in the County of San Luis Obispo. Our November 5, 2024, General Election page includes resources like a Calendar of Important Dates for Candidates and Candidate Filing Guidelines. Additional information about running for office can be found on the California Secretary of State's website.

Signature "Cure" Letters

The following information is provided pursuant to EC § 3019 regarding how to "cure" noncomparable and missing signatures on ballot identification envelopes.


This page serves as a resource for dispelling misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.

These days, information about elections and election processes isn't always reliable. Misinformation is widespread, and it's sometimes difficult to identify or combat every falsehood. Because we get much of our information from the internet and national news sources, it's also easy to think that issues reported on elsewhere are impacting us here at home. In truth, California's election systems are extremely safe and secure, and all 58 counties have a proven track record of conducting accessible and accurate elections. For an overview of current security practices, we urge you to check out this summary from the California Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State also has a valuable online resource that directly addresses some of the most common rumors regarding elections and voting at Trusted Info. We urge you to take a look and see if it has answers to some of your own questions. Another great resource from the California Secretary of State is the Voting Law Compliance Handbook, which includes specific questions, examples, and scenarios to help readers better understand important elections and voting facts. If you are interested in learning more about voting and voting security from a national perspective, Election FAQs — NASED is useful as well.

The single most important thing anyone can do is VOTE. Most misinformation campaigns are designed to prevent votes or undermine trust in elections. If you read something you are unsure of, think about the source of the information and whether the source has anything to gain by publishing or sharing it.

Our office is committed to safe and secure elections. Please review our Voter FAQs and other pages of our web site for information about Upcoming Elections, Vote-By-Mail, Voter Registration, and many other election-related topics. You can contact our office by email at [email protected] or phone at (805) 781-5228 at any time with questions.

Upcoming Elections

This service provides upcoming election information.


This service provides information about voting by mail.

Voter Information Data File

This service provides information on applying for voter registration information.

New regulations governing access to voter information went into effect July 1, 2022. Please review the Secretary of State site for updated regulations.

Voter Language Assistance

As required by law, the County of San Luis Obispo offers facsimile ballots in the following languages:

Voter Registration

This service allows you to look up your voter registration status, register to vote, update your voter registration, or view information regarding voter registration.

Voter Registration Certified Copies

This service provides information on requesting a certified copy of your voting registration record.

Voter Registration Reports

This service allows you to view current voter registration numbers by State reporting district (updated weekly), and the Official Report of Voter Registration as required by and reported to California Secretary of State.

Voter Status Lookup

This service is offered by the California Secretary of State and allows you to look up your voter registration status using Voter Status Lookup. Using this tool, you can:

  • Check if you are registered to vote.
  • Check where you are registered to vote.
  • Check your political party preference.
  • Check your language preference for election materials.
  • Check the status of your vote-by-mail or provisional ballot.
  • Find your polling place.
  • Find information for upcoming local and state elections.
  • Find contact information for your county elections office.
  • Choose how you want to receive your state and county voter guides before each election.

If you recently registered online, please wait at least 24 hours before checking your status. If you cannot view your voter status, contact the Elections Office at [email protected] or call 805-781-5228 and we will assist you.

Voting - Military and Overseas Citizens

This service provides information about voting as provided by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) and allows eligible voters to register to vote and request a vote-by-mail ballot as provided by the act.

Where to Vote

This service allows you to see voting location options around the County, for dropping off a vote-by-mail ballot at an official drop box , or where you can vote in person at your assigned polling place.

Explore voting locations on Google maps, or view lists by region:
  • North Coast
  • North County
  • San Luis Obispo
  • South County

Where's My Ballot? - Ballot Tracking

Where's My Ballot

San Luis Obispo County voters can subscribe to receive automated alerts regarding the status of their ballot. Where's My Ballot? allows voters to determine how they want to be notified and provides updates on when ballots are mailed, received, counted, and if there are any issues.

Fictitious Business Name Abandonment

This service allows you to abandon the use of a Fictitious Business Name (FBN). Upon ceasing to transact business in this state under an FBN that was filed in the previous five (5) years, a person(s) who has filed a Fictitious Business Name Statement shall file a Statement of Abandonment of use of Fictitious Business Name. The statement shall be executed in the same manner as a Statement of Fictitious Business Name and shall be filed with the County Clerk of the county in which the person(s) filed their fictitious business name statement. Business and Professions Code Section 17922.

Fictitious Business Name Copies

This service provides information on how to search the Fictitious Business Name record indices and obtain copies of Fictitious Business Name Statements. Fictitious Business Name Statements are filed and maintained in the County of San Luis Obispo Clerk-Recorder's Office. Copies of existing Fictitious Business Name Statements are a public record and available upon request. 

Fictitious Business Name Data File

This service allows you to purchase Fictitious Business Name Statement Filings Data.  

Fictitious Business Name Filing

This service allows you to file a Fictitious Business Name Statement. Under Business and Professions Code 17900 et seq., the purpose of a Fictitious Business Name Statement is to protect those dealing with individuals or partnerships doing business under fictitious names, and it is not intended to confer any right or advantage on individuals or firms that fail to comply with the law. The filing of a fictitious business name certificate is designed to make available to the public the identity of person(s) who are legal owners of the business.

Fictitious Business Name Search

This service allows you to search the index of Fictitious Business Name Statements. Statements are a public record. You may search the index of Fictitious Business Name Statements that are filed and maintained in the Clerk-Recorder office online using the County of SLO Fictitious Business Name Self-Service Portal.

Fictitious Business Name Withdrawal from Partnership

This service allows you to file a Statement of Withdrawal from a Partnership operating under a Fictitious Business Name. Any registrant who is a general partner in a partnership that is or has been regularly transacting business under a fictitious business name may, upon withdrawing as a general partner, file a statement of withdrawal from the partnership operating under a fictitious business name.

Deputy Marriage Commissioner for the Day

This service allows you to apply to be a Deputy Marriage Commissioner for the Day. California Family Code Section 401(b) allows the Clerk-Recorder, as Commissioner of Civil Marriages, to deputize individuals as a Deputy Commissioner of Civil Marriages for a day to solemnize marriages in California.

NOTE: This is an optional service not provided by all counties. Additionally, if the marriage license was purchased outside of the County of San Luis Obispo, please verify with that County that they will accept a Deputy Commissioner for a Day deputized by the County of San Luis Obispo.

Marriage Ceremonies

This page provides information about scheduling a civil marriage ceremony and getting married in the Clerk-Recorder's office.

General Rules 

  • Appointments are required prior to arrival (ceremonies will not be performed without an appointment). Please provide the confirmation email or confirmation number given at the time of scheduling upon arrival. 
  • You must have a marriage license prior to the ceremony. Please visit our self-service portal to complete the online license application and come 30 minutes prior your ceremony appointment to have a license issued. 
  • Applicants must bring their own witness to the ceremony.
  • We offer indoor ceremonies and seasonal rooftop ceremonies on select Fridays. Click the service you are interested in for more information. 
  • Please arrive on time for your scheduled ceremony and allow extra time for parking in our bustling downtown office area. Please be aware that our office does not have dedicated parking. Arriving late may lead to cancellation or re-scheduling of your ceremony. 

Marriage Licenses

This service provides information about marriage licenses and requirements and allows you to apply for a marriage license. A marriage license must be purchased prior to your ceremony and is valid for 90 days from the date of purchase. The ceremony must take place in the state of California.

Legal Document Assistant Registration

This service allows you to register as a Legal Document Assistant. A legal document assistant (LDA) is a non-lawyer authorized to prepare legal documents for people representing themselves in legal matters. Unlike paralegals or legal assistants, who perform substantive legal work under the supervision of an attorney, only certain types of legal services can be performed by an LDA. They are prohibited from providing legal advice or opinion but may prepare legal documents in a ministerial manner; provide attorney-authored general information and published legal documents; and file and serve documents at the direction of the client.

Laws concerning Legal Document Assistants are set forth in the California Business and Professions Code (BPC 6400-6415).

Notary Public or Public Official Authentication

This service allows you to verify the authenticity of Notary Public or Public Official signatures. 

Notary Public Registration

This service allows individuals to register as a Notary Public. A notary public is an official, appointed by the Secretary of State, to serve the public as an impartial witness in performing a variety of official acts related to the signing of important documents.

Laws concerning Notaries Public are set forth in the California Government Code Sections 8200-8230. For information on becoming a Notary Public, visit the California Secretary of State's website

Process Server Registration

This service provides information about how to register as a Process Server. Process servers deliver legal documents to individuals involved in a court proceeding. In California, a process server is defined as any person who makes more than ten (10) services of process within this state during one (1) calendar year, for specific compensation or in expectation of specific compensation; or any corporation or partnership that derives or expects to derive compensation from service of process within this state.

Laws concerning process servers are set forth in California Business and Professions Code (BPC 22350-22360).

Professional Photocopier Registration

This service provides information about how to register as a Professional Photocopier. A professional photocopier is defined as any person who for compensation obtains or reproduces documents authorized to be produced, and who, while engaged in performing that activity, has access to the information contained therein.

Laws concerning Professional Photocopiers are set forth in the California Business and Professions Code (BPC 22450-22463).

Unlawful Detainer Assistant Registration

This service allows you to register as a Unlawful Detainer Assistant. An unlawful detainer assistant (UDA) is a person or entity who, for compensation, provides assistance or advice in unlawful detainer actions. An unlawful detainer action is a court process by which a landlord seeks to have a tenant evicted and/or pay rent that is owed.

Laws concerning unlawful detainer assistants are set forth in the California Business and Professions Code (BPC 6400-6415).

AB1466 - Restrictive Covenant

Restrictive Covenant Modifications

Removal of Unlawful Restrictive Covenants from Recorded Real Property Documents

Restrictive Covenant Modification (RCM) per AB 1466 – Unlawful Restrictive Language
Under current state law, including AB 1466 effective January 1, 2022, homeowners can request to modify property documents that contain unlawful discriminatory covenants.  Effective July 1, 2022. Government Code Section 12956.2 allows anyone who believes the property is the subject of an unlawfully restrictive covenant to record a Restrictive Covenant Modification document to have the illegal language redacted.  Unlawful restrictions include those restrictions based on age, race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, veteran or military status, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, or source of income as defined in Government Code Section 12955.
To Record a Restrictive Covenant Modification per AB 1466:

  • Complete a Restrictive Covenant Modification Form
  • Attach a copy of the original document containing the unlawful restrictive language fully redacted so it is not visible.
  • Submit the completed document to the County Recorder.  There is no fee to record this document in San Luis Obispo County.  Copy and certification fees will apply if requested.
Upon receipt, the Recorder’s office will submit the document to County Counsel who will determine whether the original document contains any unlawful restrictions, as defined in Government Code Section 12956.2 (b).  Only those determined to be in violation of the law will be recorded.  Any documents determined to not violate the law will be returned to the submitter unrecorded.  Please be advised that this process can take up to 90 days.
Please note that the County Recorder is not liable for modifications not authorized by law.  This is the sole responsibility of the holder of ownership interest who caused the modified recordation per Government Code Section 12956.2(h).
Restrictive Covenant Modification (RCM) per AB 721 – Affordable Housing Development Restrictive Language
Under State law, pursuant to AB 721 effective January 1, 2022, the owner of an affordable housing development can request to modify property documents that restrict the number or size of residences that may be built on a property or that restrict the number of persons that may reside on a property to the extent necessary to allow the affordable housing development to proceed as defined in Government Code 12956.2 and Civil Code 714.6.
To Record a Restrictive Covenant Modification per AB 721:
  • Complete a Restrictive Covenant Modification- Affordable Housing Development Form; this must be signed in front of a notary public.
  • Attach a copy of the original document containing the unlawful language with the unlawful language Redacted so it is not visible.
  • Submit the completed document to the County Recorder.  There is no fee to record this document in San Luis Obispo County.  Copy and Certification fees will apply when requested.

Upon receipt, the Recorder’s office will submit the document to County Counsel who will determine whether the original document contains any unlawful restrictions, as defined in Government Code 12956.2(b).  Only those document determined to be in violation of the law will be recorded, and those that are not will be returned to the submitter unrecorded.  Please be advised that this process can take up to 15 days.
Please note that the County Recorder is not liable for modifications not authorized by law.  This is the sole responsibility of the holder of ownership interest who caused the modified recordation per Government Code Section 12956.2(h).

Military Discharges (DD-214)

This service allows you to search, view, record or receive copies of Military Discharge documents (DD-214) which have been recorded in San Luis Obispo County.

Recorded Document Copies

This service allows you to obtain copies of recorded documents. Documents recorded in the Clerk-Recorder office are known as "Official Records".

Recorded Documents Search

This service allows you to search for recorded documents. Documents recorded in the Clerk-Recorder's Office are officially known as Official Records. The grantor-grantee index identifies the instruments recorded in this county relating to real property. To view the index, use the recorded documents self-service portal. The index is available online; however, to view images of the Official Records you will need appear in person or purchase copies on-line or by mail.

The Clerk-Recorder's Office recently created this helpful video for anyone wanting to do an online title search:

Recording an Official Document

This service allows you to record an instrument related to real property as an Official Record. 

Before presenting your document for recording, make sure it meets Recording Requirements found in our Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Birth Certificates

This service provides information on how to search the birth record indices and obtain copies of birth certificates. The Clerk-Recorder office retains birth records that occurred in San Luis Obispo County. Birth records are public records, but not searchable on the Internet. Certified copies are available upon request. Anyone wishing to search the indices and view birth records must visit our San Luis Obispo office and sign in with department staff.

Death Certificates

This service provides information on how to search the death record indices and obtain copies of death certificates. The Clerk-Recorder office retains death records that occurred in San Luis Obispo County. Death records are public records, but not searchable on the Internet. Certified copies are available upon request. Anyone wishing to search the indices and view death records must visit our San Luis Obispo office and sign in with department staff.

Marriage Certificates

This service provides information on how to search the marriage record indices and obtain copies of marriage certificates. The Clerk-Recorder office retains marriage records where the license was purchased in San Luis Obispo County. Marriage records are public records if a public marriage license was purchased, but not searchable on the Internet. Certified copies are available upon request. Anyone wishing to search the indices and view public marriage records must visit our San Luis Obispo office and sign in with department staff. 

Saturday Hours for Vital Records on November 2, 2024

On Saturday, November 2, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, staff will be on hand at the Clerk-Recorder's Office in San Luis Obispo to assist with processing vital records requests.

Typically open only Monday through Friday, the Clerk-Recorder's Office is recognizing community demand for these important services on weekends and in alternate locations. This Saturday opportunity will coincide with the SLO Elections Office being open for voting and related activities during the same period of time.

For more information, call the Clerk-Recorder's Office at (805) 781-5080. To begin the process of obtaining a vital record, you can visit the self-service portal.

Fish & Wildlife Filings

This service allows you to file or view California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents which may or may not have an environmental impact to the County of San Luis Obispo. The Clerk-Recorder's office is the local filing agency for any CEQA filings or postings.

These filings are viewable on our self-service portal

Passport Information

The Clerk-Recorder office no longer offers passport photographs or accepts passport applications, but select locations of the County Library are now Passport Acceptance Facilities. Passport information can be found by visiting the U.S. Department of State website.

Public Records Act Request Form (Clerk-Recorder)

The Clerk-Recorder office provides access to public records in accordance with the California Public Records Act (CPRA) (Government Code Section §6250 et seq.). This service provides information regarding submitting a CPRA request to the Clerk-Recorder office.