
Alternative Method to Receive Services

As part of implementing the County of San Luis Obispo’s Countywide Plan to Address Homelessness, approved by the Board of Supervisors August 9, 2022, the Homeless Services Division is being established within the Department of Social Services. Part of this effort includes transferring the Housing Section from Planning and Building into the newly formed Division.

Please visit: https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Social-Services/Homeless-Services.aspx for updates pertaining to the 2023 Action Plan and other Housing Section information.

Housing Element

The Housing Element is one of seven required elements of the County's General Plan. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the provision of needed housing in the context of the Land Use Element of the General Plan and related ordinances. Its secondary purpose is to meet the requirements of state law and achieve certification by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, which in turn will help the County qualify for certain funding programs offered by the State. The State now requires an update to the Housing Element every eight years.

Mobile Home Park Rent Stabilization Ordinance

The County has a rent control ordinance that applies to mobile home parks.  It applies to residents who have a month-to-month space rent agreement rather than a long term lease. The county code is known as Title 25 - Mobilehome Rent Stabilization. Title 25 limits the yearly rent increase on a mobile home space to 60% of the cost-of-living index (i.e., to 60% of the Consumer Price Index, or "CPI").