1.3 Policy Statement

Chapter 1. General Intructions
Section 1.3
Subject 1.3 Policy Statement
Effective Date 4/7/2023 12:00 AM

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and assistance in achieving consistency in the overall treatment of detained youth, and in the general operations of the Juvenile Hall.  This document, if followed closely, will minimize the exposure to civil liability of the staff, Department, and the County, by providing justification and reason for our actions and decisions, and enhances the overall safety and security of the facility.

The policies and procedures within this document are designed to inform employees of the principles, values, and mandates, which are required in the performance of their duties, and the basis of their employment expectations.  Additionally, these policies establish operational standards to assist Department employees in the necessary exercise of discretion in discharging their duties and responsibilities.

This policy was formulated by analyzing the goals and objectives of the Juvenile Hall, and by identifying those values which guide us in achieving our objectives, and attaining our goals.  These policies are based upon past experience, Department needs, and the statutory mandates included within the Board Titles 15 and 24 regulations and specific sections of the Penal and Welfare and Institutions Codes.

It is the responsibility of the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division to prepare, modify and update the Facility Policy and the Procedure Manual as required, but at least annually.  This review shall include an annual security evaluation.  This evaluation shall address internal and external security, including but not limited to key control, security equipment and related training.  The Chief Deputy of the Custody Division shall forward each annual review to the Chief Probation Officer and place a copy within this manual.  The annual review shall be completed each year.  Each staff person is responsible for maintaining a current awareness of the contents, including revisions, of this manual.

The Chief Deputy of the Custody Division has been authorized by the Chief Probation Officer to change policy or procedures in this manual under emergency circumstances to comply with changes in the law or state standards.

Newly hired staff at Juvenile Hall will have a minimum of one hundred and sixty (160) hours of orientation and training to become familiar with the philosophy and general operations of the facility, as well as the contents of this document.  Updated Juvenile Hall Policy and Procedure Manuals are available on the Department’s intranet site.  This site is available on each of the desktop computers in the facility administered by the Probation Department.  To ensure that staff has access to the most up to date manuals, they are discouraged from referencing any “hard copy” policies and should use exclusively the manuals available on the Department’s intranet site.