1.5 The Role of the Juvenile Hall

Chapter 1 General Instruction
Section 1.5
Subject 1.5 The Role of the Juvenile Hall
Effective Date 5/8/2023 12:00 AM

The Juvenile Hall provides temporary custody, care and discipline for youth removed from their family.  The primary role and responsibilities of Juvenile Hall staff are outlined in Sections 202 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, and Title 15 of the California Minimum Standards for Local Juvenile Facilities.

When a youth is removed from his/her family, it is the responsibility of the Juvenile Hall staff to provide for the youth, custody, care and discipline consistent with positive parenting techniques.

Youth detained in the Juvenile Hall shall receive care, treatment, and guidance consistent with their best interests and the best interest of the public.  This care should appropriately hold them accountable for their behavior, facilitate and support the rehabilitative process, and remain consistent with our goals of family reunification and preservation whenever possible and appropriate.