13.6 Reporting Criminal Offenses in the Juvenile Hall

Chapter 13
Section 6
Subject 13.6 Reporting Criminal Offenses in the Juvenile Hall
Effective Date 6/25/2024 12:00 AM
  1. Obtaining an accusatory statement or other information regarding a new criminal offense committed by a youth in Juvenile Hall will be the function of sworn facility staff unless the nature of the criminal offense requires the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department to obtain this information upon prior approval of the on-duty or on-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer.
  2. Pursuant to W&I 625.6, prior to a custodial interrogation, and before the waiver of Miranda rights, a juvenile 15 years of age or younger, shall consult with legal counsel in person or by phone or video conference, except in cases where information is needed to protect life or property from an imminent threat.  The consultation may not be waived.
  3. Reporting procedure:  If staff has reasonable cause to believe a criminal offense has been committed in Juvenile Hall, the following steps shall be taken:
    1. Unit staff shall immediately notify the on-duty or on-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer.
    2. Youth supervision staff will secure the scene and if applicable, leave all physical evidence alone and separate all involved youth.
    3. The on-duty or on-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer will contact the Chief Deputy Probation Officer to determine how and who shall handle the criminal investigation. 
    4. The investigating officer shall complete a crime report pursuant to the Crime Report Policy.  A copy of the report will be forwarded to the Chief Deputy Probation Officer of the Custody Division for review and approval.  Once approved the report will be forwarded to the Juvenile Division to be reviewed for filing with the District Attorney.