13.7 Youth Abuse Reporting

Chapter 13
Section 7
Subject 13.7 Youth Abuse Reporting
Effective Date 6/25/2024 12:00 AM
  1. In any instance where staff, within the performance of employment, observes or there appears to be a youth who has received physical abuse, sexual abuse or corporal punishment resulting in a traumatic injury, staff will promptly report such situation by telephone to the Youth Protective Services Division of the County Department of Social Services.  

  2. Staff shall complete a Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR) on all sexual activities of youth under 18 years of age regardless of claims of consent by the youth or of partner age.

  3. Further, within 36 hours, staff will submit a written report of the incident to the Department of Social Services.

  4. Staff must be, by training, experience or education, reasonably suspicious that the youth is a victim of youth abuse before a report is required.

  5. Refer to Penal Code Sections 11165 through 11174 for specific information.

  6. The assigned Probation Officer and his/her supervisor are to be notified of any such report after it is made by email or other correspondence.